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Anti-gay group in Houston seeking to scare people by ignoring THIS reality. |
Opponents Of Houston’s LGBT Protections Call Trans Women ‘Filthy, Disgusting, And Unsafe’ - Will exploiting the lies about the transgender community in Houston yield success? I hope not! But to even talk about it takes time away from what the pro-lgbt ordinance in Houston actually does. So if folks want to dip in the war, let's get a way to yank them out. Like so:
Campus Pride launches national #LGBTQNotSin Campaign - AMEN! I am so tired with anti-gay evangelicals bogarting the argument in regards to faith and religion.
NOM Funneled Millions To Fight Maine Marriage Equality, But Had Only One Big Donor From The State - If you didn't hear about this, you have been in a cave somewhere. There is a term in theatre called "striking the set." That's when the play is over and folks being removing scenery. NOM, your play is over and we are coming to strike your set.
The Way This Dad Reacted When His Son Chose A Doll For A Gift Is Priceless - He gets MY vote for "Father of the Year"
Cruz: 'Liberal Fascism' Seeks 'To Persecute, To Punish, To Fine' Any Christian Who Opposes Gay Marriage - Get a grip, Teddy. You have the right to oppose marriage equality, but you do NOT have the right to create policies, laws, or engage in actions which will create a system of "anti-gay segregation." You must still treat us as human beings and taxpayers. Deal with it.