Thursday, March 05, 2020

'Biden releases his LGBTQ policy plan' & other Fri midday news briefs

Joe Biden releases LGBTQ policy plan

Joe Biden releases his LGBTQ policy plan just in time to steal support from Bernie - Some say "steal.' I say because he is the present front runner in the race, he needs to do this. And folks need to read what it says BEFORE lodging any criticism. This is not a pro-Biden comment, just a request that people dispense with the bitchiness. This is serious and after SCOTUS rules in several LGBTQ cases, I have a feeling that things are going to get downright "real."

LGBTQ voters turned out in record numbers on Super Tuesday - And it's just the beginning. TRUST me. 

Former Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock Comes Out As Gay - Just in case folks are living in caves with their fingers in their ears. And if you've heard, you also know he is getting dragged and rightfully so. Schock wasn't necessarily an ally to his brothers and sisters. 

This brutal documentary exposes Chechnya’s queer genocide - Trigger alert - this ain't nice.

Alabama Senate passes bill making it a crime for doctors to correctly treat trans youth

The way these bills attacking trans children are circulating around the country, one would think there is a plot to make it a 2020 election issue. That remains to be seen, but Alabama just did something really harmful to our kids:

The Alabama Senate today passed a bill that would make it a crime for doctors to prescribe opposite sex hormones or drugs that block puberty from people under age 19 who identify as transgender. The bill by Sen. Shay Shelnutt, R-Trussville, was approved by a committee last week after a public hearing that included testimony from doctors and people with first-hand experiences who took positions both for and against the bill.

Shelnutt said today most children with gender dysphoria eventually adjust and that giving them medications that could have permanent effects amounts to child abuse. Shelnutt’s bill is called the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act. The Senate passed the bill today by a vote of 22-3. It moves to the House of Representatives. “I just don’t think and others don’t think that kids should be given experimental drugs or surgeries that could have irreversible consequences for the rest of their life,” Shelnutt said. “Kids are not fully developed until later in life. I think we can all agree that kids aren’t capable of making certain decisions until certain ages. And so, we want to just stop these procedures from happening in Alabama.”