Mass Resistance is the religious right group that's so strident, it has probably done more for the case of lgbt rights by alienating everyone in the state.
It's the group also behind the so-called Fistgate scandal as well as the David Parker controversy; two unfortunate moral panics and the reasons why my hit count has egrown.
You think LaBarbera goes out of his way to demonize lgbts via pictures and such? Please. Compared to Mass Resistance, he is just a child who is holding his first camera.
Mass Resistance routinely films and takes pictures of pro-lgbt events, especially those with high lgbt youth participation. The group places these films and tapes on its webpage with language so lurid and melodramatic that it would give V.C. Andrews pause.
A perfect example is the recent Massachusetts Youth Parade the group attended:
Kids (below) using the excitement of public parade to show the world how they've "come out" as homosexual, thanks to hardcore activists in the schools. This is very sad to see.
Sounds terrible but I ask you, whats wrong with the following pictures (just some on the webpage that Mass Resistance shows as proof of the so-called indoctrination of children):

How dare these gay children hold hands with their partners in the daylight hours! Someone call the Attorney General.
Mass Resistance's ramblings gets worse. Apparently there was a prom held for lgbt youth. Mass Resistance called it a "transgender prom," but knowing the group's love of hyperbole, I don't trust their description.
Mass Resistance took pictures of attendees doing nothing wrong, added lurid and insulting captions to the pictures, and made unproven charges, such as claiming that the participants were smoking marijuana.
The page is here for your perusal and amusement.
Mass Resistance has also published an "report" by an unknown, unnamed college student named "Max" who allegedly attended the event on their behalf. Of course he had nothing positive to say:
"I remained in the building for an hour and a half and found the events inside disturbing, depraved and outright criminal."
. . . This “prom” was a recruiting propaganda event. The middle-aged fetishists handing out cards, the adult transsexuals dancing with underage school kids, the lack of supervision on the part of the organizers accomplished one goal and one goal only: to recruit as many teenagers as possible to the homosexual cause.
The homosexual cause is a cult. The people with the megaphones, covered in homosexual rainbow livery screamed about “gay pride” and “unity” as tourists walked by on that warm Saturday night. It was clear that the goal of this movement, just like that of any other cult, is to isolate kids from the rest of society, their parents and their friends, leaving them with only one option: to join the gay cause.
Damn, if only I could write fiction as good as "Max."
The lgbt community in Massachusetts have long gotten used to the exploits of Mass Resistance. They treat the group like an ugly birthmark; it's there, it's unsightly, but it causes no harm.
But while you are laughing, remember something. It's bullshit like that which make it so hard for our lgbt children to be open and honest. Yesterday, I talked about how the religious right are attacking GLSEN's Kevin Jennings for not betraying the trust of a gay youth who told him about a relationship with an older person. The talking point was that Jennings should have alerted the police and the child's parents.
And while religious groups want to read Jennings the riot act for that 1988 incident, none are saying a word about Mass Resistance attacking lgbt youth. In fact, one religious right figure (Peter LaBarbera of course) is presenting Mass Resistance's nonsense front and center on his webpage while adding a bit of hyperbole of his own.
I betcha that LaBarbera and Mass Resistance would give Hansel and Gretel hell for not letting the witch eat them.