Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Harris campaign gives LGBTQ voters hope, DeSantis's culture war suffers another loss, and other Wed/Thur news briefs

 Editor's note - As you can probably tell, I've been light on posting. Please bear with me as I get through these rough times. 

'Fighting spirit': LGBTQ voters see hope in Harris campaign amid attacks from right - Damn skippy. 

Ron DeSantis' political star is tarnished after key Florida primary night losses - While folks are busy going through another election cycle, Ron DeSantis continues to suffer a backlash on his "war on woke." 

Moms For Liberty’s School Board Candidates Lose Bigly In Florida - And more details.

Florida quietly removes LGBTQ+ travel info from state website - But don't get too happy. Florida is still a hot mess. 

People with HIV cannot be categorically barred from joining the military, judge rules - Good. 

Black gay & queer men sound off on what they hope to see at this week’s DNC in Chicago - Nice to see some attention paid to our voices. 

Trump-stacked appeals court overturns trans worker’s court victory - It will be heard again. And she will win again.


Anonymous said...

Under Biden, I thought our community was screwed. Like sailors in a submarine that ran aground hundreds of leagues beneath the sea. (think Das Boot)

Now, with Harris, it's like the scene where they miraculously get the submarine going again, and the captain is on the surface, roaring with confidence.

"Not yet, Kameraden...not yet!"

Anonymous said...

Keep your head up and thank you for compiling all these stories for us.