Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ohio high schooler suspended for trying to 'heal' LGBTQ students with Bible verses & other Wed midday news briefs

Christians outraged after Ohio high schooler suspended for trying to ‘heal’ gay students with Bible verses - So apparently religious liberty entails harassing your fellow LGBTQ students? I don't think so. BTW, the word 'Christians' should be in parenthesis. Not as a grammatical correction, but a situational one.

Donald Trump is fighting HIV by cutting funding for global AIDS initiatives - The latest thing he is being two-faced about.

DeVos opens door to taxpayers funding religious orgs by stopping enforcement of church-state separation rule - Lovely. Who will it bite in the butt first. The LGBTQ community or those pushing it? You know what I'm hoping for.

Meet the Creator of the World's Largest Trans Career Fair - It's sometimes difficult to remember that there is still good going on in the world.

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