Friday, April 19, 2019

'Fifteen states where it's legal to fire someone for being gay' & other Fri midday news briefs

15 States Where It's Legal To Fire Someone For Being Gay - Like the article's author says, it should be zero.

Soon you won’t be able to justify killing a gay man in Nevada by saying he hit on you - The "gay panic" defense is a travesty and should permanently eliminated everywhere.

License to discriminate: Religious exemption laws are trampling rights in rural America - It bears repeating that you can't tell people to "go somewhere else" when they are discriminated against. Sometimes there is no there place else they can go.

E.W. Jackson: Pete Buttigieg Wants to Turn the Country Into a “Homocracy” - Lawd hammercy! I just can't with this man today. 

Same-sex couples applying for a mortgage face more rejection and higher rates, a study says - Sad but not unexpected. 

Fox "news side" anchor Shannon Bream hosts Alliance Defending Freedom for fifth time in a year - Yet another way Fox News damages the LGBTQ community under the guise of having a "debate." Bream rarely, if ever, invites LGBTQ people on her show.

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