Sunday, March 01, 2020

Congresswoman AOC condemns using 'religious liberty' to justify anti-LGBTQ discrimination in fiery speech

Last week, there was a Congressional hearing on how "religious liberty" is being weaponized to justify anti-LGBTQ discrimination. Another example of Trump's incompetence (this time dealing with the coronavirus) dominated the media and was one reason why the hearing missed receiving a well-deserved spotlight. That's unfortunate on so many levels, particularly because the above video featuring Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC).

She blasted using religion to justify discrimination by referencing how it has been distorted over the years to justify other forms of bigotry. She went on to say that those claiming to be Christian would probably use it to justify turning their backs on Jesus. Naturally conservative sites have gone bonkers against her and that's a good thing. It's about time someone broke it down on the level she did and viewing her speech is an excellent way to begin the week as a reminder of the stakes for our community in the 2020 election.

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