Monday, June 12, 2023

'Arizona governor vetoes anti-trans bathroom bill' & other Mon midday news briefs

Arizona governor vetoes bill requiring schools to limit transgender students’ bathroom access - Folks, we have to learn that elections matter and we don't keep our equality without electing public officials who will work to ensure our equality. 

Historians are learning more about how the Nazis targeted trans people - And we also have to know our own history. All of it. 

Small town Pride organizer forced to flee state after “groomer” group targeted him - Now this p@sses me off. We cannot allow stuff like this to happen. 

We are here now: New documentary powerfully portrays intersex stories - Learning more about who makes up our community is never a bad thing. 

Pride Month Organizers Confident in Security Despite Far-Right Threats - This OUR month. They can't EVER take it away from us. We are here and we aren't going away. Nor are we going back into closets.

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