Wednesday, January 17, 2024

'Trans students win as SCOTUS leaves bathroom victory in place' & other Wed midday news briefs

Trans students win as Supreme Court leaves school bathroom victory in place​ - Yeah but knowing THIS Supreme Court . . . eh let's celebrate anyway. 

More than 275 bills targeting LGBTQ rights flood state legislatures - But briefly because there is a lot of work to do. 

Meet the Florida drag queen advocating for safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth - More of us need to be advocates for our kids.

1 comment:

Frank said...

Concerning a "Safe Space for LGBTQ+ Teens" and all is sad and disgraceful that LGBTQ+ persons have to fear for their safety in 2024. Back in the 1980s, in Connecticut, I coordinated what we called a "gay and lesbian youth support group" which was sponsored by a progressive subcommittee of the local Council of Churches. While we did not have our own building but we were hosted by the Society of Friends (Quakers) and met weekly at their meeting house. Back then we had no real fear of violence and safety was not an overriding issue. While most of the kids in the group were experiencing some degree of rejection by family and schoolmates, it seems, in comparison to today, that discrimination was waning and people were becoming more tolerant. Perhaps the bigots were just feeling outnumbered and were afraid to express their hatred outwardly. Something has changed and not for the better. Whatever has "given permission" for bigots to express hatred to the point of violence with impunity has, it seems to me, made the current climate more dangerous than it used to be for LGBTQ+ youth and adults,and other groups as well, especially in some areas of the country. I cannot imagine what would happen under another trump administration/dictatorship.