Wednesday, May 15, 2024

'School board member receiving death threats after renouncing claims of LGBTQ indoctrination in schools' & other mid-week news briefs

School board member who once championed book bans now faces death threats for changing her mind - When Courtney Gore found no evidence LGBTQ+ indoctrination in local schools, Republicans turned against her.

A GOP Texas school board member campaigned against schools indoctrinating kids. Then she read the curriculum. - For those wanting the full story, here is the original article cited in LGBTQ Nation. 

Biden Administration Looks to Protect LGBTQ+ Foster Kids With New Rule - Yet another reason why elections matter. Never mind the idiots who claim that voting doesn't matter. It makes a huge difference in the support LGBTQ people and our kids get in terms of laws and regulations. 

Maryland parents can’t opt kids out of LGBTQ book curriculum, court rules - This has nothing to do with sexual behavior. Parents objected to kids reading books with LGBTQ characters. Folks need to understand what's going on here. There is a slow but steady movement to paint any and every aspect of the LGBTQ community as a matter of sexual behavior and therefore something which needs to be kept from kids. We saw this with how they tried tis by automatically classifying drag in itself as obscene behavior. 

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