Wednesday, May 27, 2015

'Ireland vote for marriage equality affirms religious beliefs' & other Wednesday midday news briefs

Why Thousands Of Catholics Voted For Marriage Equality In Ireland - Marriage equality being passed via a referendum in Ireland was not a repudiation of the Catholic Church but an affirmation of the Catholic religion. Discuss.  

Ireland Gay Marriage Vote Is A 'Defeat For Humanity,' Vatican Official Says - Speaking of the Catholic Church, they aren't exactly pouring champagne over the passage of marriage equality in Ireland. 

Don't fall for Marco Rubio's phony fear of so-called 'intolerant' gays - Repeating my post from last night because it just sticks in my craw that Marco Rubio can get away with labeling gays as intolerant on a program owned by a man who falsely blamed gays for 9/11 (Pat Robertson) and NO ONE in the media notes the irony. 

 Audio: Will you please stop 'attacking' NOM president for saying your sexual orientation, family are 'disordered'? - Yeah, cause that sort of thing is . . . "intolerant" . . . I guess. 

 More Advertisers Drop '19 Kids And Counting' In Wake Of Child Molestation Scandal - Cash. Rules. Everything.  

Roy Moore: Impeach Ruth Bader Ginsburg Over Gay Marriage Case - And in similar news, I want that hot movie writer and producer Mike White to come knocking on my door with wedding ring in hand. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

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