Monday, October 24, 2011

Just when you thought NOM couldn't stoop any lower . . .

Remember what I said in my last post about NOM's audacity? Forget that. The following not only crosses the threshold for audacity but wins the award in perpetuity. Check out the following photo:

Jeremy Hooper from (who deals with NOM's lies at a level that even closer than me - I admire his strength and strong stomach) instantly suspected it to be a fake.

And he was right:

From Hooper:

Yes, that's right: They lifted a Reuters photo. From another state. From more than three years ago. Featuring a man who stands against NOM's agenda in most every way possible.

In the long run, it doesn't matter how many victories NOM receives - even though the organization is going to eventually lose this fight against lgbtq equality - the organization has shown itself to be totally devoid of integrity and morality.

Seems to me that anyone looking to this organization to protect marriage or anything they perceive to be "good" and "noble" is barking up the wrong tree. 

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Dan said...

Well, it wouldn't do for them to show an actual photo of one of NOM's own rallies, since "One Man and One Woman" isn't far from describing the entire crowd at one of those.

Anonymous said...

Those are majorly copyrighted and they can be majorly sued.

Jayden said...

I protested at a NOM event they had in St. Louis County some years back. There were only 28 supporters there. We outnumbered them at least 2:1. So I see why they have to cheat.

Wade MacMorrighan said...

Let's hope that NOM *does* get sued for Copyright infringement!!!!!

Cary said...

Unfortunately, the copyright system is fairly civilized. Reuters will issue a DMCA takedown for infringing, demanding the takedown in a certain number of days, and NOM will likely follow it, and maybe firing a webmaster in the process. Any suit would happen after a period of noncompliance.

Prospero said...

These mud-dwelling amoebas pander to the uneducated and fearful. Why should anyone expect them to be anything less than liars and thieves?

Patrick Hogan said...

Why wouldn't they post pictures from their bust...I mean, Rumor has it that literally tens of people showed up at each stop!

Bernie said...

Leave it to NOM to specialize in self-aggrandizement. What a bunch of phonies.
Good work Jeremy, Good work Alvin!

Cindy Callahan said...

So it seems they've already switched the picture but they're still using an old Obama rally as their source. I suppose they know Obama could always draw the crowds that they can only dream of. You can find the original of their latest picture rip off here:

Good ol google image search. These people really need to start fighting technology as it is the bane of their lying existance.