Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hypocrisy, thy name is Agape Press

It's been wild in South Carolina. Apparently we face an anti-marriage equality amendment on our ballot. Subsequently, my community have been mobilizing like never before.

This is good for a number of reasons. The main reason being that many have written off this state. Everyone seems to be talking about how anti-marriage equality amendments may be defeated or blunted in Wisconsin or Colorado, but have taken for granted the gay community in South Carolina.

We are putting up a rip-snorting (yeah I said rip-snorting) fight. Trust me, if we go down in this state, it will be with both barrels loaded.

But I did have time to point out a very interesting contradiction of terms as to how the anti-gay industry looks at us:

In the article, Sexualized Culture Blamed for Teacher-Student Sex Epidemic (, Agape Press thinks that it is terrible that there is a trend with female teachers having sex with their male students.

In this respect, I agree with the publication. But rather than attacking the teachers per se, the Agape Press article seems to be blaming the "culture" for the problem:

"Kupelian is convinced there are several primary factors fueling the epidemic of teacher-student sex. For one, he says, American culture is very sexualized.

'Our popular culture is swimming in it, TV and movies are filled with it, and with the Internet, more young people have seen hard-core sexual images than at any time in history," he exclaims. "That's one major factor. But there's another huge factor, which I think is even more devastating, and that is that many Americans just have no understanding of right and wrong anymore.'

Kupelian, author of the book The Marketing of Evil, says the epidemic can also be traced to a lack of parental involvement in children's education."


Now check out this article, Ex-Homosexual Ministry Leader: 'My Heart Breaks for Mark Foley' ( :

"Stephen Bennett, a former homosexual and founder of Stephen Bennett Ministries (SBM), says his ministry often deals with homosexuals who were abused as youngsters. In fact, he says there is a definite correlation between molestation and homosexuality. "

Stephen Bennett, by the way, is not an expert. He is another phony spokesperson propped up by anti-gay industry money.

So when a female teacher molests a male child, it's the "culture" but when a male molests a boy or teenager, it's because he is a "dirty homosexual?"

Oh yeah, tell me again how objective and Christian you are, Agape Press.

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