Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Mark Foley Part Deux: Headless Monster alert!!

As unbelievable as it seems, members of the anti-gay industry and others are determined to make the Mark Foley controversy into a case of "gays gone amok."

Yesterday, I talked about how our friend Peter LaBarbera (and former game show host Ben Stein) was trying to connect Foley’s misdeeds to the false claim that homosexuality and pedophilia are connected.

Today, wannabe moralists Gary Bauer and Linda Harvey weighed in on the controversy. It is incredible what comes out of the mouths of these supposedly Christian people. Harvey’s comments are especially vindictive:

"Apparently, Rep. Mark Foley is homosexual. And like many homosexual men, he likes young teen boys."

Luckily, my fellow blogging colleagues (i.e. Joe Brummer, Jim Burroway and Box Turtle Bulletin, and the folks at Ex-Gay Watch - all linked below) aren’t wasting this opportunity to showcase anti-gay bigotry at its finest.

But I want a little bit of this smackdown, so allow me to add my bit.

Earlier today, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council had this to say about the Foley controversy in the piece, Pro-Homosexual Political Correctness Sowed Seeds for Foley Scandal:

"While pro-homosexual activists like to claim that pedophilia is a completely distinct orientation from homosexuality, evidence shows a disproportionate overlap between the two. Although almost all child molesters are male and less than 3% of men are homosexual, about a third of all child sex abuse cases involve men molesting boys--and in one study, 86% of such men identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual."

It has been refuted time and time again (in fact several times on this blog) that a man molesting molesting a boy does not necessarily make the man gay. In many studies, the man has been identified as heterosexual.

But apparently members of the anti-gay industry seem to think if they ignore the truth, it will go away.

What I want to know is what study is Perkins referring to that allegedly showed 86 percent of child molesters are gay.

In short, I am calling Tony Perkins a damned liar.

Perkins, LaBarbera, Harvey and Bauer continue to push their headless monsters and I fully support them doing such because now, there is a group of us who are going to challenge their lies at every turn.

Book update

I have received many emails asking about the status of my book. It is still scheduled to be published next year. To tell the truth, I was tired looking at the damned thing until a friend in Los Angeles volunteered to give it a look over. Fresh eyes were exactly what I needed in order to continue the work. My friend brought many new ideas to the table and I intend to use them.

Also, I have to add information about the Foley controversy because, as seen by my example of Perkins above, the anti-gay industry are shooting themselves in the foot and I want to record every gasp of pain.

Lastly, for anyone who is interested, I do intend to post another small excerpt this weekend.

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