Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The return of an old adversary

Ever since I started my blog, this person has been missing. It was unfortunate too because I was hoping to focus at least one post about him.

But he is back now and I am kinda happy.

Robert Knight of the group Concerned Women for America is probably the most ostentatious member of the anti-gay industry. He lacks Peter LaBarbera's verbal immaturity, Lou Sheldon's visual meanness and Fred Phelps' basic lunacy.

In other words, he is incredibly genial. But he is probably the most vitriolic spokesperson in the anti-gay industry. With a pleasant smile on his face, Knight has said some of the most ugly things about the gay community, like the following:

"If you look at the footage from Operation Rescue, um, vigils outside abortion clinics, you will see that the anti Operation Rescue demonstrators invariably have a pink triangle on and they are usually pretty big heavy set women who look like they’ve been over working October Fest for the last six years . . ." - Reclaiming America For Christ Conference, "Homosexuality" panel, February 28, 1999

Where has Mr. Knight been for the past months? I don't know, but apparently he is attempting to make up for lost time by speaking out on two issues affecting the gay community and pulling no punches in his zeal to malign us:

Knight believes homosexual activists and their supporters realize that the homosexual lifestyle is so empty and devoid of meaning that the best they can do is to continue shocking people. - (

You've got the NHL, which is the epitome of masculinity, being used to try to validate first the homosexual relationship and then extending it to transgenderism," Knight asserts. However, the culture and media analyst suggests, this is typical of the tactics used in liberal activism. - (

I really shouldn't be so hard on Bobby, because I actually had the pleasure of meeting him in 2004 when he came to the University of South Carolina to take part in a debate. I say pleasure because I was able to question him directly on some of his claims about the gay community.

Our encounter is covered in the first chapter of my upcoming book and serves as a template as to how the anti-gay industry knowingly exploits the beliefs of people of faith.

I will reveal one thing about Mr. Knight though.

When I asked about the usage of Paul Cameron's junk studies, his exact words to me were "yes we have used his research, so what?"

I then listed several of Cameron's deceptions and bad research tactics. Knight refused to talk me further, telling me that I need to stop asking him questions because (exact words again) I was "obsessed with Paul Cameron."

So Robert Knight knowingly uses bad studies to malign the gay community, but I am unhealthily obsessed because I want him to own up to it.

Oh yeah! Welcome back Mr. Knight.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you could try doing a little research. Bob Knight left CWA a few months ago and is in a new position.

How can a person aptly be described as genial and vitriolic? I don't hold out much hope for your book, BT.

BlackTsunami said...

Hey anonymous,

perhaps you would like to show me where it was publicy announced that he left CWA.

Also, having met Mr. Knight, he is genial in the fact he is all smiles. However, his comments are still vitriolic.

Please be on the look out for my upcoming book. If you read all I have posted and could find only an alleged error in semantics, then I am on the right track. :P