Thursday, January 25, 2007

Every day, I hear all of these strange things

For those who don't know, my title is the title of a gospel song I heard while growing up.

And it is so apropo as to what is going on now. I don't know what's worse: the gay sheep controversy or the Donnie Davies controversy.

That sheep thing is so out of space for me so I think I will talk about the Davies thing. I am guessing that I don't have to rehash it.

When I first saw the video, I was speechless.

If it was satire, then I think it's brilliant. If it was real, I felt sorry for the guy.

To tell the truth, I kinda felt sorry for myself. I'm ashamed to admit it, but the rhythm of his song was catchy. I guess I have seen too many of those I Can Only Imagine: Songs of Faith commericals.

But I would rather focus on something less controversial but more important:

We won another case.

Today, a federal judge sided with a school that suspended a student for wearing an anti-gay t-shirt to class.

If I am not incorrect, the Allied Defense Fund is handling the case so my guess is that it's not going to die yet. But still, after the Repent America victory, the judge ruling against the student is nice.

Now I know that some may have a problem because the first amendment, etc. etc., but I am rooting for the school in this matter.

Meanwhile, those "beloved" ex-gays from PFOX are taking advantage of the first amendment and getting schools to distribute their literature.

This has gotten some folks angry but others are saying it is their first amendment right to be able to distribute their mess.

I am on the fence a bit with this. Personally, I think that there is no first amendment right to pass on lies. No credible physician or medical board has ever said someone can change his or her orientation.

But no one really ever presents the fact that allowing PFOX to push their lies is like the school nurse advocating lobotomies for mentally troubled students.

On the other hand, I think that allowing PFOX to distribute their lies makes it more difficult for school districts to invent ways to not allow gay/straight alliances.

Also, from what I understand, the actions of PFOX are actually turning students against their message.

Well if your enemy cuts his own throat, don't try to stop him.

And this just in: Wayne Besen is filing a complaint with the Mississippi Attorney General against the American Family Association. The complaint stems from the organization selling copies of the video, "It's Not Gay."

As covered by this site and others, "It's Not Gay" features several individuals claiming that they are ex-gays, including Michael Johnston. However, after the creation of "It's Not Gay," it was discovered that Johnson was allegedly having unprotected sex with other gay men in hotel rooms, despite the fact that he is HIV positive.

Way to go Wayne!!!!!

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