Thursday, February 08, 2007

The kids are alright

An article today says that gay teens are coming out at earlier ages:

Gay teenagers are "coming out" earlier than ever, and many feel better about themselves than earlier generations of gays, youth leaders and researchers say. The change is happening in the wake of opinion polls that show growing acceptance of gays, more supportive adults and positive gay role models in popular media.

This means that slowly but surely we are winning this war. But what happens next is up to us elders. What we are dealing with is probably the first generation of the gay community who will define what it means to be lgbt rather than having society define it for them.

It is important that we give them as much support as possible. Exposing the anti-gay industry is only part of what needs to be done.

We also should make sure they have positive role models to look up to. The "Queer As Folk" mentality ain't gonna cut it anymore. In the past, we had to hide who we were and pick up habits that, while they meant our transitory survival, were mentally and spiritually destructive in the long run.

"Cruising," basing the value of our lives on our possessions and clique of friends, and masking our human emotions under guarded cynicism is no longer an option.

Not just for ourselves but for those who will take our place, we have to take stock assessing ourselves as a community, embracing our diversity, and looking beyond materialistic ideas of beauty and success. How us older ones carry ourselves will serve as a blueprint for those who come after us.

Let's give them a reason to be proud of being an lgbt.

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