Monday, June 18, 2007

It's Monday so it's time for another one of Harry Jackson's lies

Yet again, black minister Harry Jackson writes another column falsely claiming that adding lgbts to hate crimes legislation will lead to ministers being jailed for speaking out against homosexuality.

But his column this week is also a little bit more whiny than usual.

It seems that USA Today published an article Friday about his claims regarding hate crimes legislation. And the publication actually dared to present both sides of the issue.

This led to a huge smackdown of Jackson's claim by Harry Knox from HRC's director of Religion and Faith Program:

(Harry) Jackson's argument "is a lie, and it should not be told in the name of the Gospel," he said.

Now I like that. No big production, no corny "let's win the hearts and minds of America," and no mincing of words.

And the words struck Jackson to the heart apparently, as witnessed by what he wrote.

But for a better deconstruction of Jackson's latest lies, go here.

But sad to say, Jackson is not alone.

On this site, I found this thing to my left. I won't even try to analyze it.

I will just say the eight commandment - Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

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