Friday, March 20, 2009

The Family Research Council loves to scare people

Apparently I'm on the Family Research Council's email list and despite the emails I send back (politely written of course) letting them know that I do not agree with their agenda, I still continue to get their letters.

Today, I got a really good one containing the usual prognostications of doom and despair under the Obama Administration including:

Silencing the moral voices of America is critical for the Left to place America under government control, except when it comes to moral or sexual restraint.

It's all in The Agenda. It was posted on the official White House website within hours of President Obama's inauguration. It's a virtual laundry list of radical left-wing ideas, including:

"Hate Crimes" Legislation. The Left believes people who engage in homosexual behavior deserve special legal protections and wants to punish those who speak out publicly against the homosexual agenda.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act. Imagine an America where radicals can use the federal government to force businesses and churches to hire homosexuals, the way that Canada enforces its so-called tolerance laws. The Left thinks that is a good idea.

Then there's the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" that I just mentioned.

The Left is trying to disguise this blatantly unconstitutional attack on the First Amendment by calling it "Community Broadcast Standards," "Diversity" or "Localism."

Whatever they call it, they want to drive Christian and conservative voices off the radio airwaves.

They want to silence you!

It amazes me how this so-called Christian organization will tell these blatant lies and demonize folks with different points of view as "radicals."

President Obama has repeatedly that he does not favor re-introducting the Fairness Doctrine

Hate crimes legislation has nothing to do with speech but violent acts. Hate crimes legislation already exists in cases of race and religion and no one's free speech has been attacked in those cases. What we want is to merely add sexual orientation to the categories.

The Employment Non-Discrimination Act will contain an exemption for churches. But what about businesses in general?

With the Family Research Council, you have to read between the lines. Is the organization saying that a manager of a restaurant with a "personal religious belief" that homosexuality is a sin can fire an employee for being gay?

That's a question which needs to be posed to FRC head Tony Perkins.

I suppose it's good that I am on FRC's email list so that I can keep a better track of the organization's distortions.

But reading the lies is still a drag.


Anonymous said...

You suggest that we ask Tony Perkins if he thinks that a manager of a restaurant with a "personal religious belief" that homosexuality is a sin can fire an employee for being gay?

I doubt I can find the link, but that type of question has been posed to him already. He unequivocally said yes.

PersonalFailure said...

Why is it every idiot conservative has a copy of the Liberal Agenda, the Gay Agenda and the Feminist Agenda, but I, being two out of three, can't get ahold of any of them?

BlackTsunami said...

If that's the case, I would love to find that link. It would definitely reveal just how morally bankrupt their position is.

BlackTsunami said...

u and me both. LOL

Buffy said...

Funny how you never hear them denouncing the "special rights" they have that give them protection from hate-crimes targeting them for their religious beliefs. Oh, the hypocrisy.