Thursday, November 19, 2009

Family Research Council gearing up to fight ENDA with distortions

I don't know why the Family Research Council continues to keep me on its email list. I received one today about ENDA.

Like so many things put out by the Family Research Council, the email is full of distortions and doublespeak. I want to highlight two of the most egregious:

President Obama wants to punish Christians by . . .
November 19, 2009 | Share with Friends

Dear Alvin,

A grave threat to your traditional values and religious freedom is resurfacing.

Deceptively, it's called the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Truthfully, it should be called the "Discrimination Against Christians in the Workplace Act."

I know that sounds far-fetched, but this is what ENDA will do . . .

ENDA will redefine your faith as illegal workplace bigotry . . . make the government a full partner in the homosexual rights movement . . . and force churches, small businesses run by Christians, and faith-based charities to hire nonbelievers or face federal investigation.

Apparently FRC hasn't learned anything from the unsuccessful attempt to make it seem that hate crimes legislation is an attack on Christianity. Now its making the same inaccurate case about ENDA.

First of all, as I understand it, ENDA does have an exemption for churches and faith-based charities. But as for small businesses run by Christians, I find that argument weak.

What's next - allowing a small business to discriminate in the case of race, gender, or religion?

I'm betting that FRC wouldn't appreciate that last point.

But here is where FRC trips up in its email:

This law would punish anyone in the workplace who dares oppose homosexual behavior, cross-dressing and other unhealthy behaviors. The liberals intentionally want to define "discrimination" very vaguely so that their allies in the courts and federal and state agencies will have broad latitude to silence traditional moral viewpoints about sexuality.

Just how would someone "oppose homosexual behavior in the workplace?" And should they be defended no matter how scurrilous the opposition?

We have just seen a case of a young man in Massachusetts fired for calling his fellow employee (a lesbian) a "deviant" simply because she was bragging about her upcoming wedding.

Should his type of  "opposition to homosexuality in the workplace" be defended? I don't think so.

Seems to me that the threats resurfacing here has less to do with the lgbt community and more to do with a christian (small "c" intended) group pulling out fear tactics  in order to scare people about a simple law that will allow lgbts to work and live freely.
You know, like normal people do because in terms of wanting to work, be free from discrimination, and provide for our loved ones, we are normal people.

Despite what FRC says.

Contact your Congressional leaders and tell them to support ENDA.

Related posts

Should the right to call a fellow employee 'a deviant' be protected under law?

Traditional Values Coalition distorts marketing statistics to attack ENDA

Family Research Council head misrepresents credible information to hurt ENDA

Bathrooms, Church Exemptions, and Lies: Five ways the religious right misrepresents ENDA

Exposing an anti-gay ENDA lie before it gains traction

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