Thursday, March 04, 2010

Jon Stewart says what the media is too chicken@#$! to say about Fox News

I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't worry about Fox News. Everyone knows the network is biased and is trying to undermine President Obama but I guess desensitization has set in.

More than anything, Fox News being able to get away with it's nonsense simply emphasizes how corrupt the Washington media is. There are too many former campaign workers, trust fund babies and thinktank bloodsuckers masquerading as journalists.

To wit, Fox News will continue to get away with what it does until the network causes some serious damage. Then watch how these same lazy newspeople wring their hands in mock sadness as they proclaim they "never figured that Fox News's bullshit would culminate into something tragic."

But what do you think would be the end result of comparing the President to Hitler, claiming that he is make America less safe, is buying votes for health care, etc. etc.?

In the meantime, thank goodness for people like Jon Stewart who does the job that the news media is supposed to do:

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