Wednesday, July 21, 2010

LaBarbera releases 'Truth Academy' schedule and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Behold The Instructors and Curriculum for LaBarbera's 3 Days of Hate Conference - It's more the same -blah, blah, blah, the radical homosexuals are evil.

Gay rights group gets U.N. role - excellent news.

Poverty-stricken U.S. cities have HIV epidemics - A story which needs more attention.

Media across the board reject Breitbart's race-baiting lies - The COMPLETE case on how they smeared Shirley Sherrod.

Breitbart’s New Conspiracy Theory: The ‘Purported’ Farmer’s Wife Is A Plant - I put this up because I want don't want folks to forget how much of a sleazeball Andrew Breitbart is.

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