Friday, September 03, 2010

Remember the 'good old days' with Phil Donahue?

Yeah I know I'm late post. But I'm off from work today and am still working to get things together for SC Pride tomorrow. Plus, you know how Fridays are, particularly this one before the Labor Day weekend.

Remember when there were such things as good talk shows and decent hosts trying to get to the bottom of pertinent issues instead of 'baby mama dramas?"

Remember Donahue? Phil Donahue was one of the best. Although nowadays, he would be smeared as a "dirty liberal," he was, and still is heads and shoulders above almost anything put out in terms of talk shows.

These clips come from a show which featured a Gay Entertainment network. It's interesting to see and hear the anti-gay attitudes back then and realize how a lot of them haven't changed that much:

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