Monday, November 29, 2010

Homophobic bigots don't like being called homophobic bigots and other Monday midday news briefs

The SPLC hate list and the Nazi card - Matt Barber (no slouch in the anti-gay department) says that religious right groups have won the argument against SPLC because they have been accused of being like the Nazis. But there is a serious problem with his argument. It was the religious right groups who have compared lgbts to Nazis. Just another omission of logic on the part of Barber.

Most Support DADT Repeal, But Tea Party Opposed - The tea party would oppose breathing because some "people who don't deserve it" are taking up air.

Watch: John McCain Says That DADT "Is Working" - Sen. McCain is certainly bitchy these days.

Michigan Newspaper Runs Anti-Gay Ad - Simply twisted.

Pryor vs. Future - It amazes me how some people think about gay sex more than gays.

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