Monday, May 09, 2011

Cancer study reinforces dangers of homophobia and other Monday midday news briefs

Will Money Help Gingrich Win Over The Religious Right? - You actually to ask that question? Is a pea green? Could James Brown get down?

Navy gives thumbs-up to same-sex couples to marry on base in states where its legal - Good for the Navy!

Gay Republican Activists Still Really Not Looking For Dignity - No comment necessary.

Trans Woman Attacked at McDonald's Meets Woman who Saved Her - This is an awesome story.

Study finds gay men are more likely to have had cancer - A study we need to get in front of before the religious right exploits it. If and when folks like Peter Sprigg do exploit this story, they will most assuredly omit this passage:
Liz Margolies, executive director of The National LGBT Cancer Network, told Reuters that more information is needed to plan care and prevention strategies.
She pointed to research which suggests gay men, lesbians and bisexuals are more likely to smoke and abuse alcohol than straight people and said that LGB people are less likely to visit doctors for health check-ups, partly because of stigma.

One more thing - this morning I said that I would be publishing a quick guide on how to refute NOM's phony talking points on marriage equality. It's coming. And here is another preview. A little bit of the prologue:

As evidenced by their talking points, the National Organization for Marriage is taking a highly deceptive tone in its supposed "defense of marriage." The idea that "marriage has to be defended" is nothing more than a cynical talking point designed to take attention away from the true issue - the lives of same-sex couples and especially the livelihood of their children.

And it is a talking point which fuels NOM's tactic of creating division on many levels - same-sex households vs. heterosexual two-parent household, the lgbt community vs. the heteroexual community, and so on. This "divide and conquer" strategy, created in a passive/aggressive manner, is designed to appeal to people's fears, jealousies, and ideas of religious superiority rather than their belief in basic fairness.

The truth of the matter is marriage is not "under attack." It has never been under attack. But what is under attack is truth, integrity, and basic fairness for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples and especially their children who seem to be nothing more than chess pieces in NOM's game of exploitation and manipulation.

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