Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NY anti-gay activists throwing tantrums and other Wednesday midday news briefs

Don't you just hate people who name-drop? Well too bad because I am going to be one of those people. Witness my online buddy Evan Hurst of Truth Wins Out on Hardball as he expertly eviscerates Marcus and Michele Bachmann for the ex-gay mess both are embroiled in.

And in other news . . .

NYT profiles homophobes who lost, but are still fighting marriage in NY - Disappointing one-sided article by The New York Times. But still the law is the law.

California Board Accepts Credits From NARTH for Licensing Renewal - So apparently being a bogus group trafficking junk science means nothing against your credibility as long as you beat up on the gays.

Audio: Bachmann in '04: 'It’s part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay' - It's never a dull moment with Michele Bachmann.

Illinois Judge Reinstates Catholic Adoption Contracts - For the time being that is.

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