Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Victoria Jackson embarrasses herself in debate with lesbian author

Former Saturday Night Live member Victoria Jackson has made a name for herself these days by being a controversial conservative Christian who is very public about her beliefs that President Obama is a communist, Glenn Beck is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that the television show Glee is part of a plot to "indoctrinate" children into homosexuality.

But that damn voice of hers is annoying. She reminds me of the legendary comedian Gracie Allen on helium with cramps and an eternal bad attitude.

But to some folks, she is a hero for her stances and her willingness to engage those who disagree with her point of view (in an attempt to refute their arguments and make them look foolish, no doubt.)

In the video above, Jackson was at the conservative CPAC and she takes on Ellen Ratkin, lesbian and author of  The Other Side of the Family: A Book for Recovery from Abuse, Incest and Neglect (1990). The two were debating the nature of God.

Personally, I thought Jackson was way out of her league. But you decide who came out on top.

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truthspew said...

Whoa, Jackson is seriously out there.

The interesting part I've noted about 'Christians' like Jackson is that they tend to fixate on the Old Testament texts. It's as though the entirety of the badly flawed New Testament didn't exist, other than the glorification of Jesus. No love they neighbor as thyself, no turn the other cheek, none of that. No, instead they want their Warrior Jesus.

And it never enters their mind, the Christ was in human form. And knowing what we know of biology today, he more than likely wasn't a virgin himself.

And the Christ surrounded himself with 12 men.

Make of it what you will.

Canadian Cutie said...

Lesbian author is right on the ball. I enjoyed her answers and admire her willingness to share honestly, her views. Victoria Jackson is NOT open-minded enough for me.

In my mind, Victoria Jackson should stick to standing on her read reciting her strange but funny poetry. Mind you, she HAS put on weight since I last saw her on t.v. so perhaps cannot stand on her head anymore so sticks to 'putting her foot in her mouth'.

John Roberts said...

Victoria Jackson always embarrasses herself, she’s stupid on so many levels. She starts out citing Leviticus with regard to homosexuality and then when she’s called on what it really says she states that “we’re not under the Hebrew law anymore” because of Jesus. I want someone to just scream at her “but you just cited Hebrew law you stupid bitch!”

vikingwarbrides said...

Actually both of them made mistakes. Victoria with as noted, her use of the Old Testament then saying that we are "saved by grace", and Mrs. Ratkin's debating from the standpoint of the Torah. I get peeved when people like to retort to fanatical Christians by using the other laws of Leviticus to point out that we as humans break "other laws". Because to believe the Bible, we are saved by grace and the Old Testament doesn't apply. And it just sounds childish. I personally believe that the Bible is a flawed recounting of oral history, and never the strict word of "God". The word homosexual wasn't even introduced into the Bible until the 1950's, for example. Our modern view of sexuality is way different than those living 4000 years ago.
Also it was written several years apart, in three languages, one dead, and two ancient versions of modern languages, and other works of literature written at the same time seem to suggest that their worldview was more about status, then sexual orientation.

Now to counter the debates about Romans in the New Testament, Paul was talking about the consequences of sin. Which he stated was principly idolatry, not homosexuality. The problem is in the interpretation of the Greek word "Phusikos" which literally means "intrinsic". So to abandon one's intrinsic behavior would mean that heterosexuals all of the sudden performing homosexual acts and vice versa. Not homosexual sex by itself.
I could go on and on, much more than I am doing now about how to intelligently respond to biblical "clobber" phrases, but I think I'll leave that for another time.