Monday, September 10, 2012

'Religious right eating crow over DADT repeal' and other Monday midday news briefs

Editor's note - I apologize for the cheap plug, but if you haven't read this morning's post, Paul Ryan, other Republicans need to come clean about night of Obama's inauguration, then please do and then send it to your friends via Facebook, Twitter, or any other services. It is highly important that this story gets out. 

 Don't Ask Don't Tell Study Shows No Negative Effects On Military One Year After Repeal- Excellent story but the caveat tells the difference between us and the religious right. If there had been a negative effect, we would be hearing about it from them until literally the cows come home. How many of us are willing to drill this positive news into the heads of the public until they can recite it by heart. Or will be we distracted by a new controversy involving Perez Hilton or Madonna?  

Kirk Cameron Blames Anti-Gay Controversy On Liberal Press - Oldest whine in the book. Apparently its the "media's fault" that Cameron verbally attacked the gay community. 

 Harry Jackson at FRC summit: God will fix the economy if we sufficiently shun gays - I feel confident in saying that it doesn't work like that.  

First Fact Check: Washington Bishops Statement on R-74 - Fact checking lies about marriage equality never hurts.

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