Thursday, May 05, 2016

'SC successfully stopping anti-lgbt bills' & other Thur. midday news briefs

Bathroom Bill: Is SC more progressive? - Because South Carolina is not one of those states which bogart all of the attention when it comes to positive lgbt news, here is something you wouldn't know if some folks weren't determined to let you know:

 Jeff Ayers, executive director of South Carolina Equality Coalition, which advocates lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender rights issues, said at the start of the year there were 11 anti-LGBT bills filed in the South Carolina Legislature. With a month left in the legislative session, he said, only one of those bills made it to full committee and none have advanced to the floor. “South Carolina will be one of the only states in the deep South that has stopped all the LGBT bills at the committee level, where other states have advanced them to the other chamber and voted on them,” he said.  

Top North Carolina Republicans Are Going Ballistic Over Justice Dept. Announcement HB2 Is Illegal - Meanwhile, the federal government just told North Carolina that it's anti-lgbt HB2 is illegal. And of course those who passed it are angry.

  North Carolina Republicans Unfazed By Feds’ Warning That HB2 Discriminates - And they are determined to do things the hard way. Works for me. Sock it to them. And bring that Liberty Counsel with you.  

How Donald Trump Is Already Surrounding Himself With Fervent Homophobes - Would there have been any doubt?  

Anti-Gay Religious Right Activist Seeks Seat On The Mississippi Supreme Court - Wouldn't THAT be lovely?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

2 things

1) Ben Carson … claimed that gay marriage would lead to polygamy

Polygamy is GOD APPROVED:

"And I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things." 2 Samuel 12:8.

2) Rick Scott, who fought marriage equality, supports allowing religious-based adoption agencies to turn away gay couples (and is opposed to adoption by gays altogether

LGBTs pay taxes, tax free religious organizations that discriminate become tax leeching orgs at that point, otherwise known as THEFT.