Monday, August 28, 2017

'Bryan Fischer adds homophobia to Confederate flag debate' & other Mon. midday news briefs

Bryan Fischer: ‘It’s Time To Have The LGBT Flag Banned Right Alongside The Confederate Flag’ - I've always compliment the religious right on the skillful they turn can turn debates on silly factoids and arguments. However, I really don't think this one is going to be successful.

Bisexual people share their experiences in dating different genders - The bisexual community simply doesn't get enough of a spotlight in the LGBTQ community or the so-called mainstream one. 

Trump’s transgender military ban met with backlash - As it should be. Don't be nice, folks. 

When Some Christians Finally Get Tired of Being Terrible - The argument over the false dichotomy of the LGBTQ community vs. the Christian community cannot be confined to those two characterizations. There is a larger battle going on here which John Pavlovitz breaks down. 

How Alex Jones attacks the LGBTQ community - Alex Jones needs a strait-jacket (preferably locked around his face) but instead possibly has a corner of Trump's ear. That's scary.

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