Sunday, February 04, 2018

Coca-Cola's Super Bowl commercial is unapologetically pro-LGBTQ

You can either chalk it to age or weariness at seeing the New England Patriots featured, but I don't intend to watch the Super Bowl this year. BUT this upcoming commercial during the Super Bowl by Coca-Cola is awesome.

According to The Advocate:

Coca-Cola's upcoming Super Bowl commercial, "The Wonder of Us," is breaking new ground with its LGBT inclusivity. With Pride symbols and a diverse cast, the 60-second spot explicitly targets and supports LGBT consumers. The voice-over states, “We all have different looks … and loves" while displaying a female couple onscreen. It also proclaims "There’s a Coke for he — and she — and her — and me — and them." while showing a presumed genderqueer-identifying individual wearing a rainbow collar.

I know someone will probably cry foul about "how Coca-Cola is exploiting the community for profit." And will probably ask questions about "what is Coca-Cola giving back to the LGBTQ community. Both are valid statements and questions.

 But for now, just let us have this. Seeing a commerical like this does wonders for the self-esteem of our LGBTQ kids.

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