Monday, January 07, 2019

'LGBTQ films win big at awkward & controversial Golden Globes' & other Mon midday news briefs

Bohemian Rhapsody win causes controversy, awkwardness at Golden Globes

Golden Globes 2019: Bohemian Rhapsody and Green Book questionable winners 

Glenn Close Upsets Lady Gaga at Golden Globes, 'Bohemian' Wins

Let's get frivolous. The movie awards season officially kicked off with the Golden Globe awards. LGBTQ celebrities (such as Ben Winshaw) and LGBTQ movies (such as 'Bohemian Rhapsody' and 'Green Book' got huge, but very awkward (but not for the reasons you would think) wins. While a certain LGBTQ icon won one category, she  surprisingly lost in the one she was expected to win. It was an awkwardly fun evening. As it is supposed to be.

Pat McCrory, of HB2 Infamy, Eyeing Another Run at NC Governor or for the Senate - Meanwhile, in a world far away from the Golden Globes, a homophobe tries to butt his way back into the spotlight.

The Senate has been rushing through judicial confirmations, including many anti-LGBTQ judges - This is NOT good.

Gay bloggers speak out after anti-LGBTQ troll uses their photo to spread pro-pedophile messages - The "gays want to recruit" children" lies never truly die. Even after they are refuted, those spreading these lies always find a way to prop them up. That's why these lies are known as "headless monsters." No matter how many times you cut their heads via refutation, someone will always find a way to prop them up.

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