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Jessica Prol Smith wrote a column of lies |
She speaking of that 2012 awful incident in which Floyd Corkins, a deranged young man, attempted to start a mass shooting at FRC headquarters. Thanks to the providence of a security guard, tragedy was avoided. Unfortunately, FRC and its president, Tony Perkins, has since exploited this incident to lay the finger of blame on SPLC. Two years before the incident, SPLC designated FRC as a "hate group" because of the way it smears and denigrates the LGBTQ community via lies, junk science, and cherry-picked science.
Perkins, FRC, and other supporters of the group have attempted to connect SPLC with Corkins on numerous occasions, even though it has been proven that SPLC didn't encourage or persuade the young man in his vile attempt to create havoc.
Ms. Smith is the latest person to exploit the 2012 shooting and also recent troubles that SPLC has had to endure (and overcome). The big hoot of her column is the closing statement:
If the SPLC thought that its hate would intimidate or silence me and my colleagues, they’re sadly mistaken. I’m lucky — blessed, really — that I didn’t take a bullet for my beliefs back in 2012. But the center’s ugly slander and the gunman’s misguided attack have sharpened my resolve and deepened my faith in my Savior, who commands my destiny and shields me from the schemes of man. The same is true for my colleagues.
Fifty-one years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fell to an assassin’s bullet. The SPLC pretends to carry his legacy but weaponizes hate labels instead. Unlike SPLC's name-calling, Dr. King’s words and vision stand the test of time. “Injustice anywhere,” he warned, “is a threat to justice everywhere.”
The SPLC, as an institution, has thoroughly disqualified itself as an arbiter of justice. But this country would be a better place if the center’s donors, lawyers and friends would truly believe and apply Dr. King’s legacy — his peaceful pursuit of justice and his love of neighbor.
I could say a couple of things such as how in the world does Ms. Smith have the gall to quote Dr King while defending a group whose president called the LGBTQ community "pawns of the evil one" (and yes he meant Satan.)
Or how can she talk about her "Savior" while defending a group whose members have falsely accused the LGBTQ community of wanting to harm children or subject Christians to a Holocaust not unlike what Nazis did to Jewish people
Not to mention expressed a public desire that the LGBTQ community be kicked out of the United States:
Seeing her nonsensical piece as an opportunity to educate on FRC and the Alliance Defending Freedom, SPLC posted a dignified and factual response to Ms Smith's column:
FRC is listed as an anti-LGBTQ hate group by the SPLC for its demonizing rhetoric about the LGBTQ community. FRC portrays LGBTQ people as sick, evil, perverted, incestuous and a danger to the nation. It has linked being gay with pedophilia, an incendiary claim that pours fuel on the fires of hate – but one that has been thoroughly debunked by the American Psychological Association.
ADF is also listed as an anti-LGBTQ hate group. ADF has supported the idea that being LGBTQ should be a crime in the U.S. and abroad and believes that is okay to put LGBTQ people in prison for engaging in consensual sex. It has also supported the forced sterilization of transgender Europeans. Like FRC, ADF also spreads harmful lies, including linking being gay to pedophilia and claiming that a 'homosexual agenda' will destroy society. ADF tries to couch its rhetoric in benign sounding phrases, but the truth is that they work to dehumanize and restrict the rights of LGBTQ people for being who they are.
"FRC routinely demonizes and spreads ugly lies about the LGBTQ community,” said Heidi Beirich, director of SPLC’s Intelligence Project. “It is an extremely dangerous group not only because of its intent to denigrate LGBTQ people, but because it has direct access to the White House and Members of Congress. For instance, its so-called policy experts often testify before government bodies, where they peddle junk science to support their harmful and divisive policies to further exclude and marginalize LGBTQ individuals. Anti-LGBTQ hate has no place in our country. If FRC had its way, we’d return to the days when LGBTQ people were afraid to live authentically and faced the risk of being jailed for being who they are."
The SPLC defines a hate group as an organization that, based on its official statements or principles, the statements of its leaders, or its activities, has beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics. The organizations on our hate group list vilify others because of their race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity — prejudices that strike at the heart of our democratic values and fracture society along its most fragile fault lines. The FBI uses similar criteria in its definition of a hate crime.
SPLC also posted a list of links backing up all of its claims and FRC and ADF. The group also posted a two minute video which breaks down the reasons why FRC is a hate group.
Let me just say this to Ms. Smith:
Dear Miss Thing, you aren't fooling anyone.
There is long paper trail of videos, published pieces, and statements by Tony Perkins and other members of the Family Research Council which refutes the tone of what you wrote. You obviously have no respect for your audience because you figured a few persuading words and playing the victim would make us forget the ugly lies and vicious comments said and written about the LGBTQ community by the Family Research Council over the years. Or make us forget how to google to find those ugly lies and vicious comments.
Furthermore, it's obvious you don't think that much of your own faith because in the Bible I know, neither God nor Jesus said it is acceptable to deceive, evade, or lie. And you have done all of that in your column. What's worse, you have done it openly and freely. It's bad enough to lie, but to write a column of easily provable lies while going on about your morals, values, and "Savior" is downright hypocritical. It's sad and tacky. And it is an embarrassment to everyone who reads your piece. And it should be embarrassing to you. You may think you got away with your "Joan of Arc being led to the burning stake" act when in reality, you have publicly made your own faith into a lie.
How do you feel about yourself now, girlfriend?
Related post - Yes, the FRC and ADF Are Hate Groups. Here’s Why!
I don't think these people are capable of "embarrassing themselves" because that implies some degree of introspection and self-reflection in the context of what is objectively true and right.
She's got a lot of gall. How many LGBT folx have been attacked or killed because of people like HER? She can only point to one incident.
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