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Gary Bauer, who allegedly undermine the fight against AIDS during the 80s, is just one of many conservative evangelical leaders eager for the power Trump gives them. |
Unlike the rest of American society, I refuse to catch the vapors while watching right-wing evangelical leaders debase their "integrity" in support of Donald Trump. To me, they were always hypocritical bloodsucking bullies who saw Jesus as a commodity in their quest for political power to shape America into their definition of a bastardized version of "The Promised Land."
And I say this as an LGBTQ, a member of the community they spent years stigmatizing as the "dreaded other" before Trump opened the door of the Oval Office to their clutching claws.
Look at some the cast of characters in this group:
Gary Bauer who, when he worked in the Reagan Administration, deliberately kept Surgeon General C. Everett Koop from meeting with the president about the AIDS crisis because he felt it was "God's punishment."
James Dobson, who once claimed that gays have thousands of partners
Franklin Graham, who once praised Vladimir Putin for persecuting the Russian LGBTQ community.
And then there is Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - i.e. crumb snatcher extraordinaire who has used her famous uncle to designate herself as chief token black of the conservative right. That entails claiming that marriage equality is responsible for natural disasters or blaming the LGBTQ community in general for supposed "black genocide."
Lastly are other assorted Trump supporting evangelicals and their supposed morality groups such as Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council , Tim Wildmon and the American Family Association, and various ecclesiastical creeps who made names for themselves over the years by falsely labeling the LGBTQ community as diseased, oversexed, child raping monsters used by Satan to destroy Christianity, wreck American society, and generally take over the world.
According to them, we've already taken over the world. Of course they also say that we won't keep it because supposedly God will strike us down. If one believes the junk science they've used against us over the years, we will die out early, probably from having too much vigorous sex, beating and killing the living crap out of each other, or stuffing too many gerbils up our rear ends.
A little vulgar I admit, but it captures what these groups and individuals were doing before Trump came to town. Their brand was denigrating the LGBTQ community and jeopardizing our equality and safety via lies, cherry-picked science, junk science, and a dash religious victimology whenever someone became to hip to their game. It shouldn't be surprising how these groups embraced the lies, hypocrisy, and basic low-grade corruption that Trump brings. They already possessed quite a few of these qualities. It came from all of the practice they got abusing the LGBTQ community.
In essence, they ended up being buddies with Trump because that was the logical step. The meeting of the rats, for lack of a better phrase. Right-wing evangelicals would make excuses for the devil if it meant they would get power. And Trump would do the same to keep power. Their partnership is a perfect fit, albeit highly stomach churning to observe.
So while some of you are mulling around with your mouths gaped in shock at how easily right-wing evangelical leaders replaced Jesus for Trump as their Lord and Savior, I'm sitting in a comfortable chair with a stiff drink in one hand and a huge "welcome to the party" banner in the other.
I expected no less from the rest of them. It's Alveda KIng that surprised and disappointed me. I never could understand why any woman - especially a woman of color - would support a group of people that hates them. That thinks of them as 'less than' because of their womanhood, and even 'lesser than' due to their race.
Seems incredibly counter-intuitive to me. I saw it when I was republican myself, which is part of the reason why I left the christian/conservative BS behind. How women like Alveda King and Ana Navarro, who are both intelligent educated women, can NOT see this blows my freaking mind.
"Meeting of the Rats" - Google "rat king"...
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