Monday, July 06, 2020

Lincoln Project - Donald Trump is the most deadly, job-killing president in American history

Some people have finally noticed that from time to time, I've posted videos from the Republican anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project. My intent is twofold. Number one - these are some awesome ads and they underscore why we need to kick Trump to the curb in November. And most importantly, they get right to the point. I sometimes think that a problem with some of the LGBTQ leadership is that they are afraid to jump out on instinct. We get bogged down with angst, overanalyzation, and concern trolling. There are times to assess a situation via focus groups and the link. But then there are times to go straight for the jugular.  And when it comes to the anti-LGBTQ industry, we sometimes worry too much about how to craft our message rather than sending the message.

The Lincoln Project obviously doesn't. Let's take the hint.

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