Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Family Research Council sets aside time to scare people about gays, sex, and children

Aside from attempting to run defense for Donald Trump (via attacking Black Lives Matters and defending his pushing federal agents on cities who clearly didn't asking for them), the Family Research Council devoted a little time to what it's known for:

Scaring people about gays, children, and sex (click on picture to make it larger):

I will wager that FRC is attacking how schools are acknowledging the existence of same-sex parents and gay families raising children. It's not enough that the hate group refuses to acknowledge this fact. Via fear tactics and inferences made to dehumanize same-sex families and parents into objects of sexual behavior, the group seeks to force the rest of us to play it's ugly game of erasure.

Attacks on our lives and families, though less successful than it would have been a few years ago, are still nonetheless vile. And should always be remembered and brought up every time FRC plays the martyr while pushing its false idea of "religious liberty."

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