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Scott Lively |
Based on 30 years of ministry fighting the LGBT agenda, I believe pederastic recruiting is the single greatest cause of male homosexual dysfunction – just as heterosexual male abuse of girls is the primary cause of lesbianism (both forms of predation being examples of dysfunctional male sexuality exacerbated by the societal abandonment of Judeo-Christian sexual ethics). That so many molested boys then embrace the "gay" identity without questioning its legitimacy only showcases the bird-like "imprint" power of sex-related brain chemistry in pubescent boys. In my view this is why God so harshly condemns male homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation, while discouraging lesbianism in just one verse (Romans 1:26).
The moron behind this inanely humorous comment is long-time homophobe and failed anti-LGBTQ activist Scott Lively. While many in the anti-LGBTQ industry have moved on from outright and openly accusing gay men of "recruiting" children and other gross actions, Lively simply can't do without the "classics." I bet if you googled his name, you will also find him talking about all of the alleged intricacies of gay sex in a supposed disgusted manner.
Not that I'm implying anything, mind you.
In this particular situation, Lively is exploiting a scandal with a Republican group, The Lincoln Project, to push the old and unfortunately more-undead-than-Jason Voorhees claim that us gay men simply live for hitting on young boys. Apparently we need them to "refreshen the ranks of our lifestyle."
I find it weird how people such as Lively get "gay agenda" memos but I have yet to get one since getting turned gay during that summer of 1983 when I viewed The Music Man on PBS three consecutive times.
Even though a few people still believe this drivel (as evidenced by the comments section under Lively's post), I don't feel the need to make an attempt to refute it. For one thing, one closeted gay guy making sad sexual solicitations to young guys does not mean you can draw a net of accusations on the entire community.
For another thing, gay men recruiting youngsters simply isn't a practical idea and we are a very practical people. If we were actually recruiting, we would go after men with lots of money. That in itself is scary when one thinks of the men who do have lots of money. Just the notion of trying to turn Rupert Murdoch or Donald Trump gay would have the opposite effect, don't you think?
Lastly, let's talk about Lively's 30-year career of fighting against LGBTQ rights, which he bases his unscientific theory of homosexuality on. It's been a failed 30-year career. The most he's known for is
- publishing a discredited book The Pink Swastika, which claimed that we started the Nazi Party in German; another unpractical belief based upon the fact that aside from being utterly despicable, Nazis even back then knew nothing about fashion past boring battleship grey.
- touring foreign countries while telling lies about "gay recruitment." One such tour led to the African country of Uganda nearly passing a law which would have executed or imprisoned gays simply for being gay. It failed, but it helped to make the phrase "eat da poo poo" a somewhat "popular" meme.
So basically, that's the culmination of Lively's failed 30-year fight against LGBTQ equality - a mass of parody videos and jokes having to do with an equally homophobic ally of his accusing gay men of eating poop.
And of course Lively, the dumbass that he is, didn't even try to copyright the phrase.
I lived in Oregon when Lively and his evil chum Lon Mabon formed the Oregon Citizens Akliance and nearly were successful with Ballot Measure Nine at making homosexuality a crime. He has has quite a long history of failure and a very steady hatred of gays.
This idiot also expects us to believe that Trump only lost because the almighty God was angry at him for being too supportive of gay people. Never mind that Biden is already being far more pro gay rights than Trump ever was. I also can't help but wonder how he will explain it if Biden wins again in 2024 and still hasn't become a raging homophobic bigot like him. Scott Lively is such a joke and if he was viewing what he was saying from the outside, I doubt that he would not also see what joke he is. That still doesn't make him any less of a disgusting bigot, but thankfully, he's not going to convince any liberals, or moderates to join his cause.
Scott Lively: God Let Trump Lose to Punish Him for Being Too Gay-Friendly
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