Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Religious right attack on PA Pride Festival is laughably boring

Attempting to take part in the far-right sparked hysteria about drag queens, pride parades, and children, the American Family Association posted an article (via its 'news site' American Family News) about a Pride event in Pennsylvania entitled 'Family-friendly' pride festival was anything but'

There was just one problem with the article. In fact, a big one as far as I'm concerned. See if you can guess what it is.

From American Family News:

The American Family Association (AFA) of Pennsylvania recently addressed outgoing Governor Tom Wolf's "misguided" executive order banning so-called "conversion therapy" from the state. And last month, he fully supported and even gave $10,000 to fund a homosexual pride event in the central part of the state. He wrote a letter, specifically expressing support for the Pride Festival of Central Pennsylvania, deeming it a time to "promote self-affirmation, dignity, and equality, and to minimize communities." 

 "As Governor, and on behalf of all the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I am honored to offer my support for Pride Festival of Central Pennsylvania’s thirtieth anniversary," Wolf wrote.

 "This is actually the first year for the PA Pride Community Grant Program," reports Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of Pennsylvania. "Other pride organizations have been helped along, shall we say, with our taxpayer dollars through the Department of Community and Economic Development." 

 The viral video, posted by Libs of TikTok, depicts a shirtless man instructing a child — who appears to be a boy — wearing a rainbow tutu and headband. He is seen climbing a dance pole and then spinning around to the applause and cheers of onlookers. 

 There were 17 recipients of the PA Pride Community Grant program, which "supports Pride festivals and events throughout the commonwealth through September 2022." The Central PA Pride Festival, where this video is believed to have been taken, was among them.

 "As I've gone to some of these gay pride events, I've seen increasingly they have family zones, where they want to normalize their lifestyle, want to make it appear as if this is a family-friendly event," the conservative activist relays. "It's not, not at all. It's the exact opposite."

 Breitbart reports Carrie Fischer Lepore of the state Marketing, Tourism, and Film Department described the festival as an "uplifting" event that celebrated "belonging, accessibility, and inclusion" and sent the message that in Pennsylvania, "all are welcome to pursue their happiness."

Where is the salacious content? Where is the shocking footage?  Not even one picture?

All we have are two things. One is a video from a Libs of Tik Tok , a twitter address which just came off of suspension after spreading the lie that children's hospitals are giving trans kids hysterectomies. Libs of Tik Tok isn't exactly a bastion of truth.

And the other thing is a quote from Diane Gramley, an ancient right-wing pundit who sounds like if she did truly go to Pride events, she would hide under a bush because she'd be scared that a drag queen would use her body as a costume drape.

Is that it? Seriously? Nothing about a drag queen? I know somebody was passing around condoms or something.  At least one person had to be wearing leather, no matter how hot it probably was. A harness maybe?  Anything? Anything at all?

 Not even a one butt-cheek twerk? 

Oh well.

Little advice, Diane. The next Pride event you attend, instead of looking for things to condemn,  have a drink. In fact have a couple of drinks, grab some drag queens, and have a good time for a change. And if by chance you see a genuine stripper pole, hop on for a twirl. It would probably do you some good.

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