Thursday, April 20, 2023

'Trans youth are fighting back against right-wing media's culture war on their lives' & other Thur midday news briefs

Trans youth fight back as right-wing media’s culture war robs them of their childhood - Fight the good fight, y'all. I'm with you. 

Caitlyn Jenner Launches PAC To “Stop Rainbow Mafia”​ - Caitlyn obviously has money issues. Careful who you turn your back to. We aren't the ones brandishing the instrument which will be buried in it. 

Florida Board of Education approves ‘Don’t Say Gay’ expansion - Poor DeSantis. Disney embarrassed him, Trump slapped him around, he bungled a question about the Ukraine, that abortion bill he signed is chomping down on him, he's losing donors and endorsement. So he is going back to what brought him to the dance - picking on LGBTQ people. 

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