Sunday, May 14, 2023

Picture proves that the biggest danger to women are transphobic bigots

As disgusting at this picture is, it makes a salient point.

We are always hearing from the transphobic set about how trans women present a danger to cis women in intimate settings such as locker rooms and bathrooms, but this woman in the picture is simply minding her own business. She's not bothering anyone. She's not "sneaking peeks" or any of the ugly things transphobic bigots imply about trans women.

On the contrary, she is the one being harassed. And while some people may give the culprit accolades and plaudits, she is the one actually encouraging women to be harassed.  Her behavior is akin to idiots not only physically attacking trans women for using restrooms, but also idiots who harass cis women if they don't fit the stereotypical descriptions of what a woman is supposed to look like.

More to the point, her behavior encourages those actions.

And the harasser, who I refuse to give the respect of acknowledging her name, has done nonsense like this before. To put it nicely, she is a trashy individual who, while running for office, claimed that high schools in her area are accommodating "furries," or students who supposedly "identify" as animals. It was a lie, but I doubt she cared. Just as I doubt she cares about the possible harm she could wreak on all women. Whether the woman she targeted was transgender or not isn't the point. The fact of the matter is that woman should have been left alone. She didn't deserve to be harassed and anyone who claims to want to protect women would know that.

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