Tuesday, September 03, 2024

No, Donald Trump. Schools are not performing surgeries on transgender children.

With the following claim, Donald Trump's desperation to gain ground on Kamala Harris is so blatant.

From The Advocate:

Former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, continued to push his transphobic rhetoric during an appearance at the annual Moms for Liberty Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday. 

Speaking with Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice, Trump criticized the growing acceptance of transgender Americans in society and opposed transgender inclusion in sports and health care. 

 During the hour-long discussion, Trump reiterated his belief that transgender women should be barred from participating in women’s sports. He also lied about access to gender-affirming care for minors. 

 “Think of it, your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation,” Trump falsely claimed, misrepresenting the complex and highly regulated process of gender-affirming health care for minors in the United States. 

 “The school decides what’s going to happen with your child. And many of these childs, 15 years later say, what the hell happened? Who did this to me? They say, who did this to me? It’s incredible,” Trump said. 

No children are going to school and receiving surgery there for gender dysphoria. 

 . . .Major medical associations in the U.S. support gender-affirming care for transgender youth and adults. Trump’s appearance comes after significant setbacks for Moms for Liberty. In November 2023, voters across the United States largely rejected candidates endorsed by the group in school board elections. The group saw major defeats in states like Pennsylvania and Iowa. 

 We all know Trump's propensity for lying but this particular one underscores yet again his lack of style. On this site, I routinely spotlight anti-LGBTQ claims in order to expose them for the lies they are. In this case, I think exposure isn't necessary.

Granted, there are probably some folks out there who actually believe this. But there are times in which belief in the inane isn't power. It's simply a sad form of exhibitionism.

 Regardless though, it's going to be a long two months before the election and based upon the "throwing mud at the wall and hoping that it sticks" campaigning he's doing, Trump's fear of losing is palpable. 



Anonymous said...

And with the school shooting in GA that just happened, POOF! - Like magic, their sudden and uncharacteristic concern for children vanishes.

Gene Perry said...

Obviously, schools are not performing gender-changing surgeries. And, Trump knows that. But, that's not the point. The point is to rile up his base. Out there in MAGA world, there are true believers that take every Trump utterance as gospel.