Friday, July 08, 2011

NOM begins astroturfed campaign against marriage equality in NY

NOM president Brian Brown
Under the guise of  "the people have been denied the right to vote," the National Organization for Marriage is launching a campaign to yank marriage equality away from New York.

NOM President Brian Brown sent out this letter:

I've got really exciting news to announce to you this week: a new coalition, a new plan, a rebuilt PAC. And here's the most exciting news: a huge multi-city series of rallies and protest marches taking place across the state of New York to win a vote to protect marriage in New York's constitution!

Save the date: Sunday, July 24, 3 p.m. Go here to get the practical details. And here's the good news: You can show up to let Albany know you've had enough of the corruption, the backroom deals, the lying, the politics as usual. Let the people vote!

Don't forget to send this link to Let the People Vote to your five best friends, the folks you know who are mad enough not to take this from Republicans and other pols lying down!

We at NOM have promised to raise $2 million to help defeat the politicians who've betrayed marriage in 2012.

The good news is that in our first week alone, hundreds of you sent donations adding up to $40,000 to NOM's NY PAC. 

Interesting thing about Brown's letter. While it was extremely sketchy on details of just what NOM's plan will be, he asked for donations at least five times. Talk about your hard sells.

It's always extremely fascinating to me how NOM throws around the hyperbole. In the same letter, Brown labels lone anti-gay marriage Democrat Ruben Diaz as virtuous and heroic in spite of the fact that Diaz acted like a damn fool before the final vote.

But this is what he says about the legislators who voted for marriage equality:

On Sunday July 24 evangelicals, Orthodox Christians, Catholics, and Jews will come together in love all across the state to take back marriage from the politicians who betrayed it.

NOM claims to speak for New Yorkers but the majority of them actually support marriage equality. One would have to ask just who is NOM speaking for. It would seem to me by passing the marriage equality bill, NY legislators did follow the will of the people. 

Yet Brown makes them seem like the Hun army during a day of wanton pillaging.

Granted, Brown will say that "opinion polls don't matter,"   or "the only opinion poll is at the voting booth," or "31 states have voted against gay marriage."

Of course Brown and his fellow NOMbies will omit mentioning the mailers, the robocalls, and  the commercials linking marriage equality to the "indoctrination of children" and the deep pockets NOM uses to filter this mess throughout whichever state they are working at time.

Proving yet again that you can scare people to vote anyway you want, provided you have the money.

However, I really question NOM's intelligence here. NY will start issuing licenses on July 24.  And I am suspecting that a lot of people are going to be getting them.

I don't think that anything resembling an attempt at a referendum would be smart or politically advantageous to anyone pushing it.

Once people get a taste of ambrosia, they don't go back to scraps so easily.

And starting on July 24, there is going to be a lot of ambrosia eaters in NY.

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Robert said...

I realize times are tough but, really, Is this the only way this guy can think of to make a buck?

Lymis said...

They will also ignore the fact that a significant percentage of those 31 states all acted before a single gay person in the US could get married - that it was a knee-jerk reaction aimed to head off the "unknown consequences" of gay marriage.

Well, the consequences are now pretty well known, both domestically and internationally, and as far as destroying society goes, they're pretty darn minor. And people realize that.

Anonymous said...

$40,000 a week comes to a little over $2 million. However having done fund raising, you have to have a constant beg going on to meet those numbers EVERY week.

They'll be lucky if they get a couple hudred thousand.

Bob Barnes said...

@ Truth, we've monitored many of NOM's fund raisers. The dollar goals are always met at the last minute, by those never to be names donors.

Dale Snyder said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but New York doesn't allow such a voter referendum - and if so NOM just lied by implying that the state will allow one here.

BlackTsunami said...

It doesn't Dale. One wonders what NOM is going to do. And the organization is going to have to contend with the myriad of gay and lesbian couples getting married who will now be more motivated and more pissed if someone tries to hurt their marriages. It's not a pretty picture the organization is creating for itself.

Dale Snyder said...

So then the implication is that it'll go directly to a vote according to their latest blast - a lie to rile up the hateful, ignorant bigots to donate money immediately.

NOM really is vile and disgusting - not to mention desperate.