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The Family Research Council creates cute graphics but its lies fool no one. |
In spite of all of the media attention telling the actual story regarding North Carolina's new anti-gay law, the Family Research Council continues to push the lie that the law is merely about the public safety of women and girls.
In truth, the law also prevents NC cities and towns from passing ordinances which would protect the lgbt community from discrimination in such things as housing and employment. But the Family Research Council will not stop with its deliberately inaccurate messaging. And to make matters worse (or better if you enjoy reading FRC's meltdown because it is losing the messaging war over anti-lgbt laws), the organization is now lashing out at Georgia, Louisiana, San Francisco, and New York.
The group even attacks it own ally, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana:
North Carolina's policy may be settled -- but the dust certainly hasn't. After having their way with political squishes like Georgia's Governor Nathan Deal (R), liberals are beside themselves with Governor Pat McCrory's decision to listen to the voters of his state and repeal Charlotte's hugely unpopular bathroom bill. Big Business is hyperventilating, out-of-state leaders are boycotting, and the ACLU is suing. But does North Carolina regret its decision? Not one bit. Unlike Georgia, McCrory knows the best way to silence a bully is ignore it.
While Georgia tried to appease the unappeasable, North Carolina set aside the hysteria and did what was in the best interest of the people and children of the state. Seven or eight years ago, most Americans would have been appalled at the idea of letting grown men into girls' restrooms. Now, after two terms of this radical president, liberals are banning travel to a state because they won't allow it. Honestly, it's almost baffling that this is where we are as a nation. The governor of New York and mayor of San Francisco are so adamant about allowing men to shower with our daughters that they're forbidding "non-essential travel" to the state of North Carolina to promote it!
Isn't it interesting how intolerant people are? Christians aren't outlawing trips to Georgia because the governor trampled on their religious liberty. Yet entire companies are threatening to pull out of the state because Governor McCrory refused to risk the safety of his entire state for less than one half of one percent of the country's population. And, it turns out, he may have done more to protect the people who identify as transgendered more than most liberals have. Just this week, a transgendered woman was raped in one of these new unisex bathrooms -- at an LGBT landmark no less. At the Stonewall Inn in New York City, the liberals' monument to "tolerance," one of their own was attacked. Even here, at this bastion of sexual confusion, these policies are hurting the people they were designed to "help!"
So when organizations like the NCAA are blasted for staying on the sidelines in fights like Houston's, maybe they've already learned a lesson we should be teaching corporate America: neutrality is the best policy. When the Final Four tips off in Space City, it will be because college basketball decided to listen to voters. After a similar bathroom bill lost in a landslide in November, the NCAA realized that while it could roll governors like Indiana's Mike Pence (R), voters like Texas's were too much for them. Now, the organization is the target of liberals who can't understand why college basketball won't join in their sexual confused crusade. "We wanted them to make a statement before the election..." the president of Texas's ACLU complained, "and we didn't get it." That's because Houston had already made a statement -- sending the measure down in flames.
Still, governors like Louisiana's John Bel Edwards (D), the same man who spoke to an annual gathering of pastors last week about the importance of prayer and faith, has pledged to roll back the religious liberty of those same pastors in an executive order that was adopted last year by former Bobby Jindal. Now churches could lose their tax exemption, businessmen and women of faith can be fined, religious groups that help homeless people or drug addicts can be denied funding -- all because they don't believe in same-sex marriage and gender by self-determination. Yet ironically, these are the same people who've expressed the most concern for children. Unlike the White House, they don't believe that the compassionate response is trapping teenagers in this sexual confusion.
"Like so many others across the country," Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters, "we are concerned about the potential harmful impact of [North Carolina's] law, especially on transgender youth, and believe it is mean-spirited and sends the wrong message." Mean-spirited? According to the American College of Pediatricians, the Left's agenda is child abuse! The harms of this gender ideology, which the ACP lays out here in its statement of opposition, can destroy a person for life. What sends the wrong message are policies that try to keep children frozen in this fleeting phase of uncertainty. A full 98% of gender-confused boys and 88% of gender-confused girls "eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty." Yet here we are, as a nation, holding states hostage for recognizing what science already has: that political correctness is hazardous to your health and to the health of millions of young people.
FRC also continues to push the lie that the American College of Pediatricians is a legitimate organization rather than a group dedicated to astroturfing anti-lgbt lies.
No one is falling for that idiotic idea either.
But the interesting thing to me is the shrill tone of FRC's letter.
NC Gov. Pat McCrory is holding fast to his guns in support of the law, but he seems to be losing momentum with every attempt he makes to defend it. If by chance McCrory's law does stand even with all of the attention and potential lawsuit against it, no one is fooled by any claims of "public safety" of protecting women and girls in bathrooms and restrooms. This claim that lgbts want to either invade the locker rooms and restrooms of females or want to "punish" people who don't support marriage equality (which propelled Georgia's failed bill) are sad moral panics helped along by religious entitlement and the exploitation of fears.
These moral panics are no different than the lies lgbts had to put up with in the 70s when Anita Bryant claimed that we wanted to recruit children or in more recent years when Maggie Gallagher and her bunch from the National Organization for Marriage claimed that we wanted to "corrupt" the idea of marriage.
Perhaps FRC is starting to realize that amongst a large number of Americans, this act is wearing thin. I think the organization is beginning to see the proverbial "writing on the wall."
And that would be fitting. The phrase "writing on the wall" comes from a Bible story in which a king, during a feast, saw a disembodied hand write messages on a wall in a language he did not understand. When the messages were later translated to the king, they told him that he had done so much wrong that his kingdom was about to be taken away from him that very night.
Maybe, just maybe, FRC is catching the hint. And the hint is scaring the organization just a little bit.
Editor's note - This post is no excuse for the lgbt community to rest on our laurels in hopes that success and equality will come to us. We must continue to fight because, as a good friend of mine has said on numerous occasions, it's not over.
"Unlike Georgia, McCrory knows the best way to silence a bully is ignore it." Sometimes the best way to silence a bully is to confront them and in this case sue them.
FRC: Isn't it interesting how intolerant people are? Christians aren't outlawing trips to Georgia because the governor trampled on their religious liberty.
“religious liberty” in that context means ‘The Power to Discriminate.’
“…or in more recent years when Maggie Gallagher and her bunch from the National Organization for Marriage claimed that we wanted to ‘corrupt’ the idea of marriage.”
And we must remember that the word “marriage” used in that context is a euphemism for love.
Also, thanks for the story behind the meaning of “The writing on the wall,” Alvin -- the part about the disembodied hand gives it even more meaning. It was only recently that I learned that the phrase "written in stone" was a reference to the ten commandments.
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