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FRC's Perkins |
Last week, the group Faithful America circulated a petition asking that This Week cancel Perkins's appearance on the grounds that his organization is an SPLC designated hate group because it deliberately passes along lies about the lgbt community, such as the claim that gay men routinely molest children.
Perkins's statement addressing his cancellation struck me as petty but I am going to post it in full along with some "clarifications:"
The far-Left must be desperate for moral victories, because now they're making them up! This past weekend, a liberal group launched a petition to ABC News encouraging them to cancel my appearance.
(Editor's note - Perkins will not mention Faithful America by name throughout his statement as a deliberate way to dehumanize the group in the same manner he dehumanizes lgbts.)
Of course, this is nothing new for me or FRC. Among the many things I've observed firsthand about the intolerant Left is: if they can't shout you down, they'll try to shut you down by silencing you. The reason is quite obvious. The facts, truth, reason, and common sense are against them so they don't want a reasonable conversation, they don't even want a debate!
(Editor's note - It is ironic that Perkins claims "the left" is trying to shut him down. Apparently he forgot how his group joined several other religious right organizations last year in an unsuccessful attempt to shut down the ABC sitcom "The Real O'Neals," claiming that it was anti-Christian and the creator of the show, noted lgbt activist Dan Savage, was an "anti-Christian bigot."
Also,while Perkins claims that "the left" doesn't want to debate, he also seems to forget that in 2014, he allegedly REFUSED to debate blogger and lgbt activist Jeremy Hooper on Fox News. Because of this refusal, Megyn Kelly conducted a bizarre interview with Hooper and then Perkins without the two confronting each other.
Lastly in the matters of truth, Perkins was caught distorting information on at least two occasions. In 2010, Chris Matthews of Hardball had to issue a clarification regarding a false medical group Perkins cited to make the phony connection his group pushed regarding gay men and pedophilia. And in 2013, Luke Russert pushed back against Perkins when he cited a phony study on gay parenting.)
So, in typical George Soros fashion, they tried – unsuccessfully -- to pressure ABC News to cancel my appearance, and then claimed victory when ABC did so for completely unrelated reasons. After leading FRC for a decade and a half (as well as working on the other side of the interview desk, which I've done as a reporter and now as a daily radio show host), one thing is certain when it comes to the press: schedules change all the time. The media has to adapt to breaking stories of the day and different guests' availability. When ABC canceled my appearance Monday, it had nothing to do with this petition that an insignificant number signed. If that were the case, we could overwhelm their petition with one of our own. This liberal group previously claimed they banned me from another TV network. But that was false because I've continued to make appearances on the network. Just since Sunday, I've appeared on Fox News Business, twice on MSNBC, and twice on Fox News.
(Editor's note - Faithful America's exact statement: "Other media outlets have increasingly stopped offering a platform for Perkins' vitriol after hearing from thousands of us who are outraged by his claim to speak for everyday Christians." Don't worry. I will address Perkins's comments about Faithful America's petition.)
Over the last few days, ABC News has heard from those who want to censor Christian viewpoints. Now it's time for ABC News to hear from you and viewers across the political spectrum who value a civil discussion. Please contact ABC News by sending them an email and let them know where you stand.
(Editor's note - Faithful America does not want to censor "Christian" viewpoints. That is unless you feel that "Christian" viewpoints entail making false statements about groups of people while hiding behind your "faith."
Lastly, I have a simple question. Perkins minimizes the effect of Faithful America's petition by claiming that FRC could have created one with more signatures possibly defending Perkins . If this is the case, why does he feel the need to tell folks to contact ABC on his behalf? Faithful America's petition was a way to send a message to ABC and it seems that perhaps it was a success on some level because Perkins is obviously trying to get his supporters to send a message, just in a different manner.)
Now doesn't that clear things up rather nicely?
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