Analyzing and refuting the inaccuracies lodged against the lgbt community by religious conservative organizations. Lies in the name of God are still lies.
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene lambasted on Saturday Night Live for her attack on the trans child of a fellow congresswoman
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Rand Paul's attack on HHS nominee Rachel Levine exposes how the religious right needs anti-LGBTQ junk science
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Attacks on HHS nominee Rachel Levine reveal how the religious right distorts science against LGBTQ people. |
Senator Rand Paul thought he was being cute during a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.
From Media Matters:
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) promoted right-wing media lies about medical care for trans youth during the Senate confirmation hearing for Dr. Rachel Levine, who has been nominated to be the assistant secretary of health at the Department of Health and Human Services. Paul lied that Levine supports the “genital mutilation” of trans kids, who do not undergo gender affirmation surgeries.In reality, affirming the gender identity of trans youth is best practice health care and widely supported by medical professionals and research, and it yields long-term mental health benefits and can be lifesaving for young trans people. Furthermore, young trans and gender-diverse children are not undergoing surgery or irreversible treatments; rather, as social work professor Katherine Kuvalanka told The Washington Post, “The only interventions for young children is affirmation and acceptance for who they are.”
Despite these facts, Paul repeatedly and falsely suggested during Levine’s February 25 hearing that trans kids were undergoing “genital mutilation” and lied that Levine supports “surgical destruction of a minor’s genitalia.” As PinkNews has noted, these false claims are based on right-wing media lies attacking Levine’s nomination.
'Biden Administration withdraws Fed's support for anti-transgender lawsuit' & other Thur midday news briefs
Man sues city after he was attacked by anti-LGBTQ street preacher - We'll see how this turns out.
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
FRC's Tony Perkins explained why religious right & its allies opposes the Equality Act in 2011
On Thursday, the House of Representatives will be voting on the Equality Act and it looks good. If it passes the House, it will go to the Senate where I'm sure things will be a bit more, shall we say, boisterous.
The religious right, right-wing groups, and the anti-LGBTQ industry have been working overtime with their government allies dreaming up excuses and other assorted lies to derail the Equality Act. But at least for this one time, I'm not going to waste time refuting their nonsense.
I think I've haven't been cutting to the chase.
None of them oppose the Equality Act for the reasons they've mentioned. The Equality Act will not endanger women or girls, it won't ruin women's sports, it won't make females more susceptible to "predators" attempting to sneak into women's dressing rooms and locker rooms. Whatever other reasons these folks dream up to oppose the Equality Act are also lies. .
Truth be told, Family Research Council president Tony Perkins already told us in 2011 why his side opposes the Equality Act. It's relatively simple and we've all known the reason. We simply don't point it out enough:
'Here's how the right-wing media will lie about the Equality Act' & other Wed midday news briefs
Here's how right-wing media will lie about the Equality Act - Very comprehensive and wonderful post by Media Matters. Folks need to read and share this.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Anti-LGBTQ anecdotes about the Equality Act mimic false predictions about gay marriage
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If you think that attacks against the Equality Act look familiar, it's not your imagination. |
You can tell that the fight over the Equality Act is heating up when you read nonsense like this Family Research Council tweet:
Donohue and the rest of the religious right as well as their allies in government have been heavily pushing the false argument that the Equality Act, a comprehensive LGBTQ rights bill which President Biden fully supports, will lead to all sorts of nasty consequences such as an attack on Christians (as the expressed in the above tweet.)
Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, told a group of Tea Party supporters on a conference call that gay marriage would be a slippery slope to polygamy and bestiality. "When you say it's not a man and a woman anymore, then why not have three men and one woman or four women and one man?" Gohmert asked. "Or why not, you know, somebody has a love for an animal or-? There is no clear place to draw a line once you eliminate the traditional marriage."
“This is something that I believe is the beginning of the end of Western Civilization,” (the Liberty Counsel's Mat) Staver told a conservative radio station in October. “You can’t simply redefine and pretend that ontological differences between men and women do not exist. This will have consequences.”
2015 - Mike Huckabee in a conference call with the Family Research Council
“If the courts rule that people have a civil right not only to be a homosexual but a civil right to have a homosexual marriage, then a homosexual couple coming to a pastor who believes in biblical marriage who says ‘I can’t perform that wedding’ will now be breaking the law . . . It’s not just saying, ‘I’m sorry you have a preference.’ No, you will be breaking the law subject to civil for sure and possible criminal penalties for violating the law…. If you do practice biblical convictions and you carry them out and you do what you’ve been led by the spirit of God to do, your behavior will be criminal.”
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio took a decidedly conservative turn on same-sex marriage in an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network this week, warning that “there’s a real and present danger” that gay marriage proponents will cast the teachings of mainstream Christianity as “hate speech.”
'Baptist church will be expelled for welcoming a gay couple to services' & other Tue midday news briefs
Monday, February 22, 2021
CPAC cancels anti-Semitic speaker but keeping the one who claims that gays want to have sex with children
Conservative conference CPAC cancelled an anti-Semitic speaker but will retain the one who posted this tweet. |
This week, CPAC (Conservative Political Action Committee) will be hosting its annual conference and it promises to be boisterous as always. The group is already in trouble because of a now canceled speaker.
The theme of this year's event is "America uncanceled," which is ironic since the organization that runs CPAC, Matt Schlapp's American Conservative Union, just canceled one of its scheduled speakers. That speaker, Young Pharaoh, has made statements CPAC is now calling "reprehensible. "On Twitter Young Pharaoh repeatedly posts about pedophilia, including linking it to LGBTQ people, Christianity, and the Biden family.Some of his tweets appear to echo QAnon and other conspiracy theories. He's also linked "caucasians" to bestiality. Media Matters reports Young Pharaoh "has told followers that Judaism is a 'complete lie' and 'made up for political gain,' said that Jewish people are 'thieving fake Jews,' tweeted that 'all the censorship & pedophilia on social media is being done by Israeli Jews,' and claimed that 'all of these big tech [companies], media, & social media platforms are controlled by CCP & Israel through Jewish CEO & corrupt Democrats.'"
'Biden administration's support of LGBTQ rights is angering the religious right' & other Mon midday news briefs
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President Biden's support of LGBTQ rights is angering the religious right. Whoop te do. |
Conservative Catholics are now claiming that Joe Biden is “too obsessed” with LGBTQ people - Oh heaven forfend! Just in time for the first battle over the Equality Act.
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Conservative evangelicals make pitiful attempt to whitewash Rush Limbaugh's evil
Last week, conservative radio talk show icon and all-around vile racist and homophobic human being Rush Limbaugh died from cancer. There is much debate about his impact on American politics, with some declaring him a hero while many others calling out his smears, nasty attacks, and bigoted rhetoric.
But according to the Christian evangelical (and actual hate) group the American Family Association via its 'news source' One News Now, there is no debate. According to One News Now, Limbaugh was a good Christian and a strong conservative, even if the publication has to omit several facts about his life to make this point.
The article it choose to publish, Hated by libs, adored by millions, Limbaugh leaves behind legacy, is a nauseating whitewash which paints Limbaugh as standing up for America while wrecking "humorless liberals" with zingers which supposedly exposed their hypocrisy and hatred of American values.
Decades before President Donald Trump would blast the "fake news" intent on bringing him down, Limbaugh called CNN the “Clinton News Network” and knocked traditional news shows such as “Meet the Press,” which he mocked as “Meet the Depressed.”How is the national media reacting to Limbaugh’s death? According to Rich Noyes of the Media Research Center, the liberals who were mocked by Limbaugh for decades are reacting just as conservatives would expect. “It's the same stuff you heard at the beginning of his career. They're now doing it at the end,” he advises. “It really is a shabby way to treat someone who has just passed away but they're sort of picking out all of the things that they've criticized over the years. They're accusing him of things like racism, which wasn't true."Conservatives arguably should not be surprised at Limbaugh’s treatment by humorless liberals after they witnessed him mock "Environmental Wackos" vowing to ban SUVs and "Femi-Nazis" who were vowing to never marry a man.
Friday, February 19, 2021
'Hate group could be behind bills in 20+ states targeting trans children' & other Fri midday news briefs
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Rush Limbaugh was bad. Anita Bryant was worse
Rush Limbaugh's death and the uncovering of his vile homophobia got me digging through the lives of other anti-LGBTQ personalities and led me to the above video. LGBTQ Americans of my generation the one before us remember Anita Bryant with nausea in the pit of our stomachs.
She was already a national celebrity, being a former beauty queen and recording artist, when in 1977 she led a fight against a FL anti-discrimination ordinance. Her efforts garnered a win by a wide majority and technically began the fusion of anti-gay religious beliefs and homophobic propaganda for political purposes. You can see how she masterfully combines the two while oozing ignorant sincerity during the above short clip
While Bryant won that battle, she eventually "lost the war." Boycotts and bankruptcies destroyed her career while we have won battle after battle securing our rights. However on the other hand, LGBTQ Americans have had to deal with laws and bills created by the combined weaponization of religious beliefs and anti-gay propaganda for decades even as Bryant moved away from the public eye.
And yes, girlfriend is still alive (video from 2005):
'State anti-trans bills represent coordinated attack' & other Thur midday news briefs
West Virginia may give parents $4600 to send their kid to an anti-LGBTQ religious school - Aside from this madness, private schools can say "no" to children attending. So what good is getting $4600 to send your children to a private school if the school says "no," which I think said schools may do to many black children. Just saying.
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Rush Limbaugh's legacy lies with all of the times he called Obama 'a boy'
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Rush Limbaugh died today. |
Unless you've been in seclusion, you know that Rush Limbaugh, patron saint of disaffected white folks who can't deal with their privilege slipping away, lost his battle with cancer today. I don't believe in celebrating the death of any human being. But I also don't believe in sugarcoating the legacy of any prominent figure who has passed to the great beyond. And there will probably be a lot of sugarcoating of Limbaugh as is. To me, he was a creep. He was a racist, homophobic bloated windbag whose rhetoric had a double negative impact of me as a black gay man.
To LGBTQ people, Limbaugh was the epitome of homophobia's hypocrisy. On one hand, he dehumanized us, made fun of how the AID/HIV crisis was ravaging our community, and asserted the standard lies about us supposedly "ramming our lifestyle down people's throats." And then on the other hand, claimed to not understand why we were so angry.
To African-American people, he was the epitome of racism's hypocrisy, claiming that we are being held back because we want to be victims, we are holding on to much to the past and we can succeed in life if we only try. But on the other hand, he was the main one sending up the alarm to his white listeners when any of us did achieve.
I don't see the need for a lot of discussion with regards to Limbaugh's legacy. One can break it down via few articles:
Limbaugh repeatedly refers to Obama as a “boy” and a “man-child”
' U. S. House to Vote on Equality Act Next Week' & other Wed midday news briefs
Texas lawmakers are trying to pass pro-LGBTQ proposals. Do they have a chance? - Miracles have happened before.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Y'all, we need to pray for the Log Cabin Republicans after its vile 'Thank You President Donald J. Trump' tweet
I'm probably going to get blocked by the Log Cabin Republicans for this, so watch it while you can. But I have to ask these folks:
What the HELL is wrong with y'all?
This President's Day, LGBTs say 'Thank you!' to President Donald J. Trump.
— LogCabinRepublicans (@LogCabinGOP) February 15, 2021
The Log Cabin Republicans released an awkward video to honor George Washington’s birthday by praising former President Donald Trump. The video is for “President’s Day,” giving them a way to shoehorn Trump in, but that isn’t actually a federal holiday. The video features several queer supporters decrying their adoration for the most viciously anti-LGBTQ President in the nation’s history. The usual suspects appear in the video, including the group’s spokesperson Charles Moran, journalist Chadwick Moore, and the blogger “Brokeback Patriot.”Bear in mind that while in office, Trump waged war against the LGBTQ people. He opened up the White House to religious right groups who used their access in attempts to deny us our rights as Americans.
Appointed anti-LGBTQ judges: Trump has appointed anti-LGBTQ judges with alarming anti-LGBTQ records to appointments at every level of the judicial system, including anti-equality Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh and federal nominees Kacsmaryk, Mateer, Bounds, Vitter. Menashi and others.Supported employment discrimination against LGBTQ people: The Trump administration submitted amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting discrimination against LGBTQ people.Banned transgender service members from the military: Against the expert advice of military leadership, medical authorities, budget analysts, 70% of Americans and the armed forces of allied countries, Trump and Pence banned transgender people from serving in the military.Rolled back Obama-era non-discrimination protections: Trump’s Department of Justice upended previous DOJ interpretations of the Civil Rights Act that protect transgender and non-binary workers from employment discrimination and ceased enforcing non-discrimination protections as well as taking a hostile stance to LGBTQ workers in court.Issued rule to license discrimination: Trump’s Department of Labor issued a regulation designed to allow federal contractors to claim a religious exemption to fire LGBTQ workers because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
'Michelangelo Signorile: The Equality Act is being blocked by an LGBTQ senator' & other Tue midday news briefs
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Senator Kyrsten Sinema |
The Equality Act can now become law. An LGBTQ senator is blocking it. - Houston, we have a problem. More like Arizona, we have a problem. The reason cannot be seen as totally negative but we do have to come to some sort of agreement on this.
Monday, February 15, 2021
Repost - The Erasure of ‘LGBT’ From Black History and the Black Community Must Stop
Editor's note - this is one of those evergreen columns (I originally wrote it in 2016) which I don't mind reposting. Folks unfortunately always need a reminder.
As a gay African-American, I’ve heard the argument about how “you can’t compare the gay civil rights movement to the African-American civil rights movement” more times than I care to count.
The constant so-called moral outrage of some African-American heterosexuals when the topic is mentioned has gotten me to the point where my mind automatically tunes out the monotonous drones of how supposed sinful homosexuals are “high jacking” the civil rights movement or how gays “can’t compare their sin with black skin.”
As such, I almost missed the epiphany which occurred two weeks ago.
I was vaguely scanning comments on a conservative site by an anonymous African-American female as she went on and on about how gays were never subjected to slavery, segregation or declared three fifths a person. While the logical side of my mind was gathering up the customary argument of how wrong it was for disadvantaged people of any stripe to play the “Oppression Olympics,” the emotional side of my mind struck immediately.
“This is the most ignorant crap I’ve ever heard,” I thought. “Just where in the hell does she think gay black people were during slavery and segregation? On a spaceship orbiting the Earth? “
I was instantly struck by oddity of what I had thought. Not that my outrage wasn’t coming from a place of truth, mind you, but how the simple fact never entered my mind that yes, gay people were subjected to slavery, segregation and racism because of our skin. Just as LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) people of color exist now, we existed back then. Then it suddenly struck me again that I’ve never recalled any acknowledgement of this fact during the myriad of discussions, I’ve read, listened to or seen regarding comparisons between the gay and civil rights movements.
And why is that?
Thursday, February 11, 2021
'The One You Never Forget' - short film reminds LGBTQ people about the sweet innocence of a first date
When I was in 11th grade, I rocked my entire high school by getting a date to the prom before most of my peers were even worried about Christmas gifts. If you saw what I looked like back then, you would understand why everyone was shocked. Seeing that it was 1988 though, my date was not with another guy. Granted, my prom date was a nice girl and we had a good time, but looking back, I often wonder how things would have been had I been able to ask a guy to my prom.
That memory and the fact that Valentine's Day is Sunday put me in the mood to show the above video about a 14-year-boy on his first date. It's nice for an eight minute video. While not the usual call-out on anti-LGBTQ tactics, it's a reminder of who we truly are in spite of attempts of some to muddy our lives. And our souls.
'Fox's Tucker Carlson and guest spread medical misinformation about trans youth' & other Thur midday news briefs
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Trump-supporting evangelicals should share blame for January 6 insurrection
Editor's note - the video below contains graphically violent footage of the January 6 attempt to overturn Biden's presidential victory. I saw it and couldn't stop wincing. I considered not posting it, but after talking with friends on Facebook, I am convinced that a point has to be made.
'Anti- marriage equality group targeting trans community to fundraise' & other Wed midday news briefs
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Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage |
NOM Has Gone All Anti-Trans All the Time - Revisiting Prop 8 - Loser anti-LGBTQ group changes tactics to raise the money. Bitches got bills I guess.
Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Woman in high-profile same-sex custody case arrested after 10 years on the run
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Lisa Miller (left) will now face the consequences for kidnapping her daughter instead of giving custody over to her other mother, Janet Jenkins (right) like she was ordered to by the courts. |
Ten years ago, "ex-lesbian" Lisa Miller kidnapped her own daughter, Isabella, and ran away to Nicaragua rather than giving custody over to her former civil union partner Janet Jenkins. Custody was given to Jenkins after Miller refused to give her court ordered (and initially agreed upon by both parties) visitation rights. It was alleged that anti-LGBTQ hate groups and figures helped Miller flee the country. But as of January of this year, Miller is back. She surrendered herself and was taken into custody.
From the online site Heavy:
Lisa Miller, a former Vermont woman wanted for more than a decade in a high-profile same sex child custody case, has been arrested after turning herself in. She was wanted since 2010 when a warrant for her arrest was issued after she was accused of fleeing the country with the child she had during a since dissolved civil union.Miller fought to keep the child from her former domestic partner, Janet Jenkins, and when the courts eventually sided with Jenkins, she vanished. Her arrest was reported by The Associated Press and other news outlets. The case generated major news coverage at the time because it raised questions about the rights of same-sex couples, especially when different states offered different laws on civil unions. Miller said she had forsaken her homosexuality and was aligned with Christian causes, including Liberty Counsel, a legal group.
Sarah Star, the Vermont attorney for Lisa Miller's former civil union partner Janet Jenkins, of Fair Haven, Vermont, said Jenkins is concerned that the child, Isabella, who is now an adult, did not return to the United States from Nicaragua. “I just want Isabella to know that I love her very much and that I have never stopped loving her,” Jenkins said in a news release issued by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been representing her in a civil lawsuit against the people they allege helped Miller and her daughter flee. “Isabella has a family and support system here who will always welcome her home with open arms.”
'Four LGBTQ-inclusive ads appeared during the Super Bowl' & other Tue midday news briefs
Rightwing blame pandemics on Jews & LGBTQ people. It’s still a Big Lie. - A bit of history we should all know.
Monday, February 08, 2021
Bigoted activist Scott Lively attempts to 'explain' the origin of homosexuality. It's as comically bad as you would think.
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Scott Lively |
Based on 30 years of ministry fighting the LGBT agenda, I believe pederastic recruiting is the single greatest cause of male homosexual dysfunction – just as heterosexual male abuse of girls is the primary cause of lesbianism (both forms of predation being examples of dysfunctional male sexuality exacerbated by the societal abandonment of Judeo-Christian sexual ethics). That so many molested boys then embrace the "gay" identity without questioning its legitimacy only showcases the bird-like "imprint" power of sex-related brain chemistry in pubescent boys. In my view this is why God so harshly condemns male homosexuality from Genesis to Revelation, while discouraging lesbianism in just one verse (Romans 1:26).
'Transgender activists in the South are battling homelessness with tiny homes and private shelters' & other Mon midday news briefs
Sunday, February 07, 2021
Saturday Night Live demonstrates good comedy with devastatingly funny 'It Gets Better' sketch
This parody of the famous "It Gets Better" campaign by Saturday Night Live is an example of what I feel is a good joke about our community. There have been some criticism accusing LGBTQ people - and a lot of it has come from within the community - of not being able to take a joke. Some of us are supposedly a bit too sensitive and and "whine about being offended" too often. That's a bunch of nonsense. Good humor is not garnering cheap laughs by platforming nonsensical fears of the unknown. That's bullying. Good humor is nuanced observations and is not as difficult as folks like to pretend that it is.
Friday, February 05, 2021
Anti-LGBTQ former VP Mike Pence gets hired by anti-LGBTQ Heritage Foundation' & other Fri midday news briefs
Thursday, February 04, 2021
Discredited pediatrician says adoption & foster care agencies should be allowed to discriminate (against LGBTQ people)
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Michelle Cretella of the anti-LGBTQ hate group the American College of Pediatricians |
Today's post reminds me of efforts racists made to repair their bad image by claiming that they weren't "anti-black," but strongly "pro-white."
Via its phony online news publication, One News Now, the American Family Association hosted a discredited pediatrician who made a subtle dig against same-sex households who are raising children:
With many thousands of children available for adoption and in the foster care system, Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians says their best hope is to be placed in a positive and loving environment."These children, many of them have suffered some form of abuse or neglect in the past, and that's the bad news," Dr. Cretella begins. "But the good news is that the effects of trauma in children can truly be healed by a loving and stable adoptive family." She points to the social science data collected over decades to demonstrate that all children thrive best when they are reared by a married mother and father in a loving home."We therefore support all adoption agencies, particularly those which are faith-based and … only adopt out to married mother-father homes," the pediatrician tells One News Now. "That is truly in line with science and in the best interests of children. It is not prejudicial discrimination." So she says adoption agencies should not be subject to state or local anti-discrimination laws for following their faith and the science in how they place children for adoption or foster care.
'Golden Globe awards catches praise, heat for nomination of LGBTQ performances' & other Thur midday news briefs
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James Corden |
The Many LGBTQ+ Golden Globes Nods Unfortunately Include James Corden - Now don't be hard on James Corden. At least his character isn't sad and pathetic. And he lives at the end.
Hate Group: Transgender People Put EVERYONE in Danger - And it continues.